Just A Thought


Fish Herder
Feb 11, 2006
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Wild hills of Cumbria
I have heaters sorted for my Tanks but was just wondering if anyone had used heat cables to heat there Betta Tanks?
Obviosly with having reptiles i have miles of the stuff and it would be usefull as it would only be the one plug
I haven't. . . I don't even know what they are :blink:

Its just a length of cable that when you plug in it heats up.Loads of people in the UK use it for racks or viv stacks for the reptiles.It is originaly for gardening to heat the soil up for planting seeds and as you can use it with sprinklers its waterproof but can also be used on the outside

This is it Here
Could you just lay the cable at the back of the tanks outside so it still heats the tank if you see what I mean. I used to have a betta in my kitchen on top of a vent underneath was a freezer and the heat from the back of the freezer kept his water constantly nice and warm. dont have freezer there any more. :crazy:

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