Just A Theoretical Question


(sorry, just had to make sure.)

first off i want to second what pn had said. it was jsut an idea that i thought of and by no means am i supporting it.

as for the flamming... ok i see your point as it's just some members and not all. so far this is a VERY pleasant thread. i hope it stays that way. :D :good: .

you guys are all making very good points that i didn't think of. like i stated multiple times it was jsut a quick, unresearched thought that popped into my head and wanted ot get others' opinions on how plausible it was.

obbviously under very careful and rare circumstances it can "technically" be done. but in most situations (i would say 99.9% on a good day) it CAN'T be done.

thank you everyone for you're kind inputs and discussion of this topic. this is a very nice adult conversation we are having and i have learned some things from it that i didn't know beforehand. i didn't fully understand how wild bettas work, and now i know more about it. some points were brought up that i NEVER thought of for this situation. for instance, bettas are territorial aggressive, like cichlids (even horses will fight to the death if need be- in the wild of course), and not finnicky aggressive liek the tetras and barbs or wolves and such. like dwarfguorami said, the heirarchy :-D. also i never realised that we were in fact unintentionally breeding aggression into show lines. pn made a very good point about this.

As far as Betta in the USA not being bred to fight, it is legal, and, if you would like to find one, I could make the connection. I frequent a cichlid shop that sells fighters to those who fight them. Several spots in the USA have SE Asian communities that actively fight fish.

[Please do not anyone assume that I attend or am involved with any fish fighting.]

don't worry i assume that you are not part of it, but i would b more interested about learning about this as i thought it was banned in the states. maybe it's just a cultural thing that stays under wrapps and noone (the government) really "cares" about. if you have some links of articles i would be interested.

please note- i am interested solely for educational purposes. i would never fight bettas. i'll leave tha tto the asians who seem to do it responsibly and actually outside of the fighting seem to really care for their fish. i heard some good stories (well cared for fish) from/about cracker on this forum (who i believe breeds fighter, but correct me if i'm wrong that it's him) nothing wrong with it to me because it is a cultural thing and htey do it responsibly.
Nevergone: Whenever you are treated disrespectfully or there are personal comments that are unnecessary, first ask the individual to pm you and try to work it out. If they continue pm a mod and ask them to check the thread. Some people are playground bullies. Most members don't want to be bullied, but some id with the children and don't want to "tattle." Me, I id with the parents and the adults. Civility is what makes it possible to live in "civilization."
Nevergone: Whenever you are treated disrespectfully or there are personal comments that are unnecessary, first ask the individual to pm you and try to work it out. If they continue pm a mod and ask them to check the thread. Some people are playground bullies. Most members don't want to be bullied, but some id with the children and don't want to "tattle." Me, I id with the parents and the adults. Civility is what makes it possible to live in "civilization."

yea, i don't get it much, i just observed others mostly getting flamed on. i was really worried when i posted this thread that i would be torn to shreds, but so far it has been really pleasant for me. thank you to all that has made that possible :good: .

as for the advice i will by all means pm the individual and if they don't respond or don't try to resolve the issue than i have no fear in going to mods :D.
Also if you see someone else getting cut up, and it is unnecessary. I try to butt in. Some of the younger members like to play rough with each other and are really learning. But we are a community. We are the community that we make ourselves.
Also if you see someone else getting cut up, and it is unnecessary. I try to butt in. Some of the younger members like to play rough with each other and are really learning. But we are a community. We are the community that we make ourselves.

everytime that i butted in i got tore to shreds, hmm... that just sounded like i got to speak up more :D. thanks jollysue!!!
or pm a mod to check the thread. we have some really good mods

been nice chatting. i'm going to call it the end of my day.
it was nice, though we probably should've brought it into pms :lol:. but it's ok, it was kind of on topic since i mentioned flamming in my original post :lol:.

hopefully the freindly convos continue in this discussion :D :good: .
slightly off topic, but since I brought in the wolf comparison, can I just point out that I compared wolves to schooling fish not to territorial fish like bettas. Wolves live in groups with a strict hierarchy, and though there are fights to establish this hierarchy or challenge the leader, the weaker member can usually avoid being killed by displaying "inferior behaviour". Because the group need each other for hunting, it is beneficial that most fights should not result in the killining of group members at least not until the leader is so old and decrepit that he needs to be got out of the way to make room for a more efficient leader.
Of course, it is not an exact parallel with schooling fish, but there are similarities- schooling fish do need each other if not for hunting then for protection, so it is better for everyone if the group does not get decimated.
yea i missed typed my thought there :lol:. i knew where you were going with it :D. :good: . it was really a very good example so that i can relate it more as i know more of wolf behaviors than bettas :D. no worries, i'm learning a load of new things here :good: .
The male PK bettas can and are kept mixed in a bout a 50/50 when they arrive from Thailand. A majority of stores sell male PK as females. A lot of the time they are fine until they come of age as it were, at which point the fighting starts.

In a tank i def wouldnt try having males together, it would be great to have some lovely male PK's or the custom bred Veil Tales, Comb Tails or Crown Tails in one tank, but itll never happen.

Interesting idea though.
I have done something very similar to this......... 4 males one tank no fighting although they were brothers culls...... I adopted them before they could be culled They lived peacefully mind you it was a huge tank and heavily planted with four males that had always lived together so........ This was back when I knew nothing of Bettas hmm the mistakes we make.........


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