Just A Quick Question About African Dwarf Frogs And A Betta

Sep 3, 2013
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African dwarf frog question

So i have 2 female African dwarf frogs and one i just bought on the 1st is a lot bigger than
My other female African dwarf frog. I know they are both females because before i bought
My new female my male adf died and he was a skinny little thing.
But the new girl is not sick or anything just bigger than normal female adfs and i dont know
If she is ready to lay eggs or something. I just don't know.

Betta question

So i also have a male betta. The same day i bought my female adf i bought a mystery snail.
My betta has been like staring at the mystery snail but not touching him. Just watching and swimming around him. Is this normal? The betta has been acting very relaxed and calm which is good. But im just wondering.

I think being curious and intelligent fish, your betta is probably just wondering what the snail is.
I've had a dwarf frog, a snail, and a betta in a 15 gallon tank and they got along really well. The betta was really curious about what the other creatures were but he left them alone after 10 minutes. 
when keeping them with ADFS make sure the ADFS are eating because the bettas usally take thier food.
Yeah its normal for a betta. Probably just working out its inner curious cat.

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