Just a question...


Fish Fanatic
Apr 14, 2004
Reaction score
Chicago IL
Been a while since I posted here,well I went to Pets Mart,to get new fish a while ago,waited out my pleco Durge's ick like suggested here. And they said his ick was caused by ammonia. So I took out my column decoration,and a whole bunch of gunk appeared,and I cleaned the water. Did I do wise?
Hmm if you say it was gunk, it might have been some bacterial or some sort of alge. The ammoia probably wasnt caused by the decoration, but rather by the fish or just your certain water conditions. Cleaning the tank is all right, but i wouldnt to much of a durastic water change, because you may mess up the balance of the water. Further more how long did you take the decorations out? I say this because the benefical bacteria also grow and stay on that and you dont want to kill that.

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