just a little question bout my unseperated bettas


Feb 7, 2004
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Taylor. Michigan
i've had them like this for a while, and she does not have stress stripes, but instead has vertical stripes. she has places to hide, but choses not to. the guy VERY oftenly chases her around, and if she lets him catch up, then he'll try to get next to her and wiggle his body. she doesn't let him do this for long before she swims off.

everyonce in a while, if he seems to not be paying attention to her, she will approach him from behind, and wait till he finally see's her, and then they continue the hole "catch me if you can" routine. they ignore eachother during feeding, but as soon as they're done, they go back to chasing.

is this the way they should be acting? cause i've heard alot about not keeping males and females together for any reason besides breeding, or he will kill her. well, he isn't killing her, and she isn't freaked out by him. any words of wisdom, or just something i should know about them two bein together? she does looks like she's got eggs, and her white thingy is slightly out. she looks like she's teasing the poor guy.

well, just wondering why they arent going for "it" and if they don't wanna do it, then why isn't someone killin someone? what are they waiting for!!!
who knows. they've been in there since not too long after i got her. at first i had her with my boy dragon, who she decided to pick on, since he wasn't taking any notice to her. i didn't want him to get hurt anymore, so i put her with one of my tougher men, sunset, which is the one she is with now. whats the longest it could take?!!! i think she's been in there for maybe 3 weeks or so. i don't remember.
Since you said your girl has vertical stripes it sounds like she's ready for mating, but maybe he's not?
well, not really trying. i mean, i wouldn't mind if they did...thats their business. lol. if i ever see him actually hurt her, i'll remove her of course, but no one is harming anyone right now.

well, the temp is just under 80....i dunno what other conditions they would need. there are other fish. 3 minnows, which nobody pays any mind to, and one octo-something algae eater.


as for the guy, i have no clue....he's got his nest which he occasionaly adds to. how can i tell if he's ready?i thought the guy was supposed to chase the girl when he's ready.
Well, maybe it'll happen when a storm comes through. Only other important thing I can think of that might contribute is whether they've been conditioned or not.
If they do breed you won't end up with any fry with other fish in there. You should read the pinned article by wuv. It is very informative. :nod:
Sorrell said:
If they do breed you won't end up with any fry with other fish in there. You should read the pinned article by wuv. It is very informative. :nod:
don't worry...i've read up quite a bit about breeding. i think i've already read the pinned thing a while ago, in addition to bettatalk, bcbetta, bettasplendens, a book my bf bought, and many other websites. i just dont remember everything :rolleyes:

they're just vieltails, so i wouldn't have anything to do with the fry if they did end up doin it.

i was just wondering if what they were doing was normal....i've read about betta's doing a dance before doing it. i thought that might be what the guy was TRYING to do, and it looked to me like the girl just doesn't wanna do it. it's almost like she is enjoying teasing him. yet he keeps on trying.....poor frusterated guy. lol.
if you did'nt conditoin them beforehand, that could be the reaosn why they're not spawning. As well, with other fish in there, it could give them some more stress and decide not to mate.
not to jump on your back or anything but veiltails are not in short and i dont nessisarly think we need more, but it is your decision. also, i would like to add that one reason this might not be is that there is too much current for a suitible bubble nest to be made? one more thing, what happens to fry if they do breed? well just some stuff to think about.
if they do end up spawning then it's very possible he will then seriously injure or even kill the female
i know....thats why i said earlier that the second i see him make an attempt to kill her, i'll remove her immmediatly.

veiltails are not in short and i dont nessisarly think we need more
like i said, i'm not seriously trying to breed them....if they do then i'm not having anything to do with the fry....i'll let them get ate by the others....if some by some miracle chance do live, then i'll buy more tanks and take care of them...since i doubt many, if any, will live.

one reason this might not be is that there is too much current for a suitible bubble nest to be made?
no current...i only turn the filter on every-so-often. and it's not even in there right now, so thats definetly not a prob.

what happens to fry if they do breed?
i think i already answered that....
Sorry if this sounds rude, but if you plan to buy tanks to take care of the fry, why not buy a tank for one of the bettas right now? I think it's pretty sad what you're doing. He will probably kill her eventually whether they try to spawn or not, you can't watch them every second of every day. It's also sad that you say you would want nothing to do with the fry, but from what you've told us here it doesn't really sound like you want anything to do with the parents either. :/

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