Just a bit of guidence for a beginner on cycling


Fish Fanatic
Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
London, UK
Hi I'm new on the fish scene and wondered if someone could help me, I just bought my first fish tank, a 39 Gallon fluval and have had it running for three days without fish, I have a fluval 4 plus filter and a tronic 200w heater, the water is at a balmy 26 degrees C and the Ph level is 7.4. I've seen articles in here that you need to add ammonia to start the cycling process off, is this correct? I was told by the place I got it from to let it run for a week and then take a sample in and they'd test it and if it's ok I can add fish. Also the water is fairly cloudy, is this normal? Thanks alot in advance.

Firstly do not add fish without cycling unless you want to do cycling with fish which IMO is quite...disrespectful. Anyway read the stickied threads up there ^^^ they will sort you out :)
If there arn't any fish in the tank your water should be the same after 48hrs as a week. Do't need fish to cycle but I prefer it personally. Fishless cycling involves adding ammonia to the tank to start the first cycle. It'll take aboue 5 wks to fully cycle. When your nitrite drops about 20 days your nitrate will spike, once you lower its levels through water changes mostly) you can add more fish.
To answer your questions:

You have to add ammonia daily until the tank is fully cycled. Adding ammonia is like having fish as ammonia is in fish waste :) A cycled tank will have 0 ammonia/nitrItes and higher nitrAtes. You should keep these below 40 with a regular weekly partial water change of about 25% with de-chlorinated water.

What they told you at your LFS or wherever (about taking the water to them to test etc) is not correct however. You'll need to add some ammonia daily for about a month (test your water to see when it is fully cycled - 0 ammonia/nitrItes and high nitrAtes). Then you should do a HUGE water change (with de-chlorinated water) to make sure the nitrAtes are below 40 just before you buy your first few fish.

The cloudiness in the water is normal and it should soon clear.

Read the pinned posts as mentioned. One of them is in my signature and I reccomend you read that particular thread through thoroughly. It'll help you avoid any mistakes while you're starting out.

Good luck! And have fun! Fish are great :D
Ah thanks, that clears loads up, cheers. Would I just get ammonia from my LFS? And how much/how often should I add it?

The first day you add ammonia, reccord how much you need for test results to show about 5 ppm. Then add that same amount daily and test your parameters regularly. Once your ammonia/nitrIte are at 0 and nitrAtes up, do a huge water change to lower nitrAtes and get your fish on the same day and don't add any more ammonia as your fish will now be providing the bacteria with enough waste/ammonia.
Ok, I understand now, nice of them to tell me that at the LFS. I will go out to get some today.


Just to add....you need to add pure ammonia...i.e. it cannot contain any detergents. You should be able to find this from a supermarket. Generally if it is clear like water in the bottle it will be pure. It will also smell putrid as opposed to that containing detergents which will be more perfumed.

Also, with regards to how much ammonia to add.....I did it a few ways for my tanks....the way that worked best for me was to add enough ammo to get 5ppm.....you can figure this out from the ammonia in your bottle and the size of your tank. Each day add enough ammonia to bring it to 5ppm. You will gradually be adding more to the tank each day as the bacteria start eating it.

ALSO, beware of high nitrites or nitrates. This can stall the cycling process alltogether. If it seems like your cycling has stopped do a large water change, this maybe as high as 100%, then add the ammonia and keep going etc.

Does this make sense? If not, feel free to PM me.
Nah, that does make sense and I think I fully understand now. I found that a chemical I mixed when I first started the tank is an ammonia suppliment, I did a test this morning and the results were: Ph - 7.6, Ammonia - 0, Nitrite - 0, Nitrate - 10. I've added some more ammonia and will be doing another test tomorrow.


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