I have had good luck with Jungle Fungus Eliminator, but Jesse is not wrong - it is uncommon. My opinion on meds, is that with no prior personal experience to go on, one is just as good as another (provided you diagnose correctly). If you try one and it doesn't work for you, don't use that kind again.
Anyway, opinions aside... Have you done the right thing? If you diagnosed correctly you did. I would never advise interrupting a treatment, unless it becomes apparent that the treatment itself is doing more harm to the fish than the condition being treated. Removing the carbon was correct. The yellow/green color is normal. Finish the treatment as prescribed. (Unless the above described condition is met.) Do not put the same filter media back in the tank, go with new sponge/carbon.
Seems like you caught the problem pretty quick, which can often cause confusion for beginners. The life cycle of whatever pathogen you have has just kicked in, and will continue to thrive until the meds catch up and intervene. This can seem like adding the meds actually fed the pathogen.
Thus why I say never to interrupt a treatment.
Anyway, if the Jungle product is already in the tank, might as well give it it's course.
If by the end of the prescribed treatment it appears that the Jungle product has helped, but not solved the problem, you may consider repeating the treatment. If the Jungle product provides no improvement, or worse yet, the pathogen continues to spread, then drop the jungle ASAP and try something else.