Jumpy Catfish


Fish Fanatic
Aug 20, 2013
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Is there any reason that my Albino Catfish have become extremely skittish and jumpy this last 2 weeks?  The only difference I can think of is adding 2 extra Peppered Cory's one week and 3 Extra Glow fish another week.  Is there something now that I have upset because of adding new tank mates?
They never have hid anywhere to sleep unlike the peppers but something is clearly making them jumpy...and ideas?
What size is your tank, what are your water stats and what is your current livestock?
Ammonia 0 - Nitrate 0 - Nitrate 20  (This morning)
I have a 64L with 6 Glow Lights, 3 Peppered Cory's and 3 Albino Corys...
They have only been jumpy this last week...like when I walk past, or kneel to look at them.  The largest one seems the worst and just about jumps out of the water with fright !!!
Give them more hiding places to reduce the stress. Fish get ill easily when stressed. But I don't know why they skittish and you probably want to know why. good luck ;)

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