Jumping Cory?


New Member
Jan 3, 2012
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I have a 10gal tank of glo-fish and two Cory's, the glo-fish were starting to nibble on the Cory's so we returned them a day ago and decided to make the tank a Cory tank only. Everything has been fine with them for weeks but today one of the Cory's is acting very strange. The one that is fine goes up for air like any other Cory but the other one is as of today going up for air jumping around at the surface like he's trying to jump out of the water. It's very scary to watch...

We tested the water and everything is fine in our tank... the only thing that is off, is the fact that our bubble maker is clouding the entire surface with bubbles... which is also new. Does any one know what's wrong with our one Cory? Please help.
Thanks for replying.

Water temp is normally between 80 and 82 but today the weather is crazy cold so it went down to 74. We went to petsmart and they tested our water and everything is under control so they said. We have an ammonia test underwater as well that last 1 year or so. And its on Safe 0.02.

The bubbles are piling on top of each other as well which looks like excess from the bubbler. They are not popping out fast enough or something... And if I let it for an extended period of time It would pretty much overtake the entire surface of the water with bubbles. (I don't let it happen but its capable of reaching that limit)

I will try to get a video on phone of that jumping behavior soon.
Hi Mimee :)

My first thought is that your corys are happy at the change in water temperature. Your normal temperature is too high for them. If you have a male and a female of the same species, it's possible that they might spawn. A change like that might bring it about. Keep an eye out for eggs.

BTW, what kind of corys are they?
Thank you guys for helping.

For the looks of it I think it could be "overdose of dechlorinator" Like it was said above. Should I do a 25% water change? or a 50% if thats the case ?

Thank you again all!
Thank you so much bristlenoseitplecoman. I think you saved my Cory's life. No more jumping or bubbles as of yet.
Hey guys I wanted to share a few more things about the jumping cory. Well he passed away 2 days ago :( Ever since I got him he was the only Cory out of all that would do those weird jumps and behave just oddly. A few weeks later he could not swim properly he would flip around at the bottom and for a few days he was actually floating around like he was dead.. Some kind of buyounce problem.

All my water parameters are flawless, I do water changes and feed them accordingly; and all the other corys are super happy and healthy.

My advice is: if you ever get a cory that jumps and behaves weird and just doesnt look like acting like a NORMAL cory. Return him if you have a receipt! most stores like petco and petsmart have a 2 week return policy; the chances are he is sick and will eventually get worst and die IF he acts strangely.

good luck!! And thank you again bristle :) thanks to you i figured out the bubble problem^^

Hey guys I wanted to share a few more things about the jumping cory. Well he passed away 2 days ago :( Ever since I got him he was the only Cory out of all that would do those weird jumps and behave just oddly. A few weeks later he could not swim properly he would flip around at the bottom and for a few days he was actually floating around like he was dead.. Some kind of buyounce problem.

All my water parameters are flawless, I do water changes and feed them accordingly; and all the other corys are super happy and healthy.

My advice is: if you ever get a cory that jumps and behaves weird and just doesnt look like acting like a NORMAL cory. Return him if you have a receipt! most stores like petco and petsmart have a 2 week return policy; the chances are he is sick and will eventually get worst and die IF he acts strangely.

good luck!! And thank you again bristle :) thanks to you i figured out the bubble problem^^

R.I.P Zero - my beloved little jumping cory. I'll miss him dearly.. :(
I'm sorry that he died. The bouyancy problem may have been swim bladder disease. It probably wasn't him. It might have been in the water which is highly unlikely since no other fish showed it but I think it may have been genetic. RIP little guy. One of my cories recently died. He got stuck in a decortion and ripped himself up pretty badly. He lost blood flow to his back and lost most of his tail. I layed him in the tank and he was breathing good and would wiggle every once in a while and then he just stopped breathing. His name was Pepper.

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