Jumbo Cat


Apr 5, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
This is Diesel, my 2.5 year old cat. First some kitten pics. then pics of him all grown up.













what a lovely cat. is he a maine coon, why did you clip him off, his coat would grow back different. you have to be very careful you dont tear there skin as well. he is a stunner though. can i ask is he in england what line is he if he is pure coon.
what a lovely cat. is he a maine coon, why did you clip him off, his coat would grow back different. you have to be very careful you dont tear there skin as well. he is a stunner though. can i ask is he in england what line is he if he is pure coon.

Thanks :) im not sure what he is TBH. I took him from a abandoned house when he was a couple weeks old. some poeple think maine coon but he has such a small head and legs. I was looking at norwiegen forest cats and he looks VERY similar to them

I had to shave him because last summer we had our yard landscaped and they broke the gass line so I had to evacuate the house with the cat and dog. Diesels an indoor only cat and he was so scared he pee'd in his carrier when I had him at my neighbours. as you can guess with his long hair it created quite the mess and i couldnt let him back in my house like that. He spend the night at the vet and they shaved him for me in the morning.

The pics were he has all his fur are from recent from last week and the shaved pic from last summer. at first it grew back way different, mostly ws just that fluffy fur but now hes getting his real fur back. Probably going to have to shave him again in summer, he doesn't like the heat with all that fur.
One of the features in any animal which I appreciate the most is a display of confidence.... This is so well illustrated in the first pic (as a kitten)... I love it!!....

The first pic is nominated for POTM March 2010
thanks LV. I agree with you 100%. That is my all time favourite picture I've ever taken of him (or anything)

It's kind of the same thing with the first shaved pic of him. He looks so regal and proud lol

I hope we can get someone to second your nom. I've been away for so long... Is it two nom's or three?
Just two and now you have it :good: I second the photo for POTM - You should also consider that he might be a long haired Bengal cross :good:

Seffie x
ps :hi: back :D
i remember seeing him :hyper: beautiful cat he really is, i have a longhair'd who had to have some hair clipped of around his bum, now it has grown back white looks so funny lol, im going to nominate the second picture i know the first has already been nominated but that second one is so cute :wub:
hahaha thanks guys :)

I miss him being that small :( Now he's just so big and fluffy (and mean). I call him "the creature". He doesn't really behave or look like a cat anymore lollol
oh he sure looks like a maine coon to me. definatly not a wegie, there face is totaly different.he is a stunning cat. he could still be a coon, my wegie bear is smaller than the average male nfc, most dissapointing as i was hoping for a huge cat, but there you go so maybe your chap is just a smaller maine or a cross. either way he is a stunner.i love the first piccy he is so cute but i also like the 9th one showing him in full coat, that one rally does make him look like a maine coon.
I think maine coons have sort of fuller tails than that and more angular faces... my friend has a pure bred and he looks very different - i'd agree with you Just another one in saying NFC.. though maybe he's a mix? He looks like my raggedy old man Simba :)
he definatly is not a nfc, they have a sloping profile and there face looks traiangular when looked at straight on. maine coons have a fuller face than the wegie. whatever he is he is a beauty.
i think he must be a mix of domestic cat and either a maine coon or nfc.

this is what makes me think hes nfc. looks just like Diesel does...

he definatly is not a nfc, they have a sloping profile and there face looks traiangular when looked at straight on. maine coons have a fuller face than the wegie. whatever he is he is a beauty.

agree. it dosn't matter what he is as long as he is a well loved ( and spoiled) cat. :lol:

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