Julii Or Trilineatus?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 29, 2009
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ok so I have no idea if my fish are trilineatus or julii... here are the best pictures i can get of them!

Please look and see! I just can't tell the difference!

My Corydoras
i cant tell looks to me like its half trilineatus half julii

if its only a juvinille it is hard to tell other wise youll have to wait until its grown more
Trilineatus :good: tri's have squiggly lines over them that looks like joined up dots,whereas Julli have spots instead of squiggly lines,Thats the easiest way to describe it,i'm sure someone can explain it better it needs be :)

On planet catfish here's a True julli

Here's a Trilineatus
Trilineatus :good: tri's have squiggly lines over them that looks like joined up dots,whereas Julli have spots instead of squiggly lines,Thats the easiest way to describe it,i'm sure someone can explain it better it needs be :)

On planet catfish here's a True julli

Here's a Trilineatus

Those are definately C. trilineatus.
I miss my spawning group, but I have managed to get the Girl friend to add a nice shoal of 7 to her tank, so I may be able to spawn those again some time :)

Just one word of advice, I would change the substrate (gravel) to kids play sand, as the pea gravel can cause issues for Corydoras with their barbles. It is easier for them to shift through the sand looking for food as well.

You have seem to have a nice selection there, how many do you have?
Thank you and I'm definitely changing to sand, I just haven't bought it yet. I had rough gravel at first but bought the small smooth stones that are in there now, but they still don't seem as effective as the sand. I had originally bought 3 corys but because i hadn't used this tank for over a year and didn't know anything about cycling, I guess two died during the process. My tank is cycled now and I bought new corys a few days ago. My first cory has lost its barbels because of the rocks so I don't want the others to lose them. The thing is, however, I don't know how to keep sand clean. Is there any website or post that talks about this?

So right now I have 5 corys and I'm hoping to get them to spawn eventually. The largest one I have is about an inch long while the others are slightly smaller.
Personally i find sand easier to clean,using the gravel vac in a swirling motion just above the sand,so it picks up the bits,after you cleaned an area,use your hand or a stick and turn the sand over by stirring it. :good:

Tri's are fab wee cories i have 15 of them plus their fry :)
As long as you dont lay your sand too thick the Cories should mix up the sand enough to not have to clean it, although it is always a good idea to move the wood or large stones etc from time to time and swirl the sanes around under it as dirt collects under them a lot.

I find sand is better for the tank as it tend to stay cleaner in general than stones.

Don't worry too much about the bables that have been lost they WILL grow back once you get the sand in there.

Good luck with them.

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