"Julii" Cory?

Jo and Gra

Fish Crazy
Jun 20, 2005
Reaction score
The UK...Essex!!!

went to the LFS today and saw "jhuli" (or spelt something like that) cory's.......

they look a bit like this....


what could they be?

any other info?

or are they the cory above??

???? ????
Hi Jo and Gra :)

There is indeed a nice little cory called C. julii which resembles the fish in the picture. In fact, it looks so similar that the two fish are very often confused by the lfs.

Here's a couple of links with information that might help you learn the difference between them:



If you like them, get them while you can. Whichever one your lfs has in stock, it will be an excellent addition to any community tank. :)
Almost 100% likely trilineatus and not true julii but still worthwhile. I have 3 or 4 of them myself and they're quite active little fish. I ordered julii once from my LFS and their supplier sent them trilineatus which is a common mistake due to their similarity in body design, size and shape.
Pretty cats! I'd like some of them. Pretty sure they wouldn't like sharing space with my pictus cats tho and the community tank is full. Damn. :rolleyes:
Very peaceful, laidback fish and not hard to keep. Just keep up with water changes and have small rounded gravel or sand to keep their barabels healthy.
I've got julii cories, they're lovely fish, never given me any trouble. One had a wierd 'disease thing' where his colours faded and he looked 'sore', but it cleared up with melafix. I've had them nearly a year now, no casualties, they are lovely and active.
HA! Just goes to show that you should read older posts before asking a question. I was just about to post for help IDing these babies so I could get some more (Petsmart had them labeled as Spotted Cories when I got them, I knew that was wrong) Now, I can have the lfs order me some Three Kine Cories, yay!




I can;t wait to have more of these babies swimming around my 55g.
I've got five of these little fellas in my 40G tank.
Great fun wathcing them as they're quite active.

I've been to a few lfs but only one of them has this cory. I like their black dorsal fin tip, like a flag waving in the water. cool. :)
The more the better, bigger schools of corydoryas are brilliant fun to watch, very active and very cute!

As for feeding the Hikari Sinking Wafers or a similar product would be perfect, fed as needed, usually 2-3 times a week.

One thing I would say, dont start with corys, they can be fussy, If you have any other fish you are interested in, get them first then get the corys 1-2 weeks after the first fish are in.


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