Judge My Betta


Fish Addict
Jul 30, 2007
Reaction score
Hiding behind the aqautic plants.
Well I kind of thought this up. Because I know that I and lots of others would like to know others opinions on our betta/s. So this is how it works:
You post a picture of your betta along with its tail type. PLEASE make the picture as clear as possible.. The next poster gives it a rating from 1-10 (10 being the best) followed with a reason for the mark. Then they post a picture of their betta. Does not matter what kind of betta. THIS IS ONLY FOR BETTAS! No guppies or anything ;) And NO rating your own betta (what would be the point afterall?)

I will begin
Rain my SD female:
7-she is very pretty, BUT she has stress stripes. So she would have been a 9 but she has those stripes. Sorry, she is a very very pretty girl :drool:
i would agree with the 7 due to stress stripes for rain. she is a fantastic colour though!

Dazzle, my SD male

and a slightly clearer pic of his tail
8.0 a beautiful copper colour, but would have liked to see it flaring it's fins from the side! :rolleyes:

Here's my contribution a Blue Betta mahachai:

I rate Thaifighter's a 10. What can I say?... BEAUTIFUL! Did you breed Him yourself?
And then the next person can rate CrazyCatfish's betta Samurii

I rate crazycatfish's betta 10 cuz hes gorjus and im also jelous cuz my boy never lived to look so good!
Rate my shimmer the stripes are due to us just moving he into a new tank


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i give Shimmer a 7, he (she?) is very beautiful despite the stress stripes.

My new boy, whom I have named Jaws for his tendency to leap out of the water at feeding time (after I drop the food! I think he's trying to get my fingers) is the one on the right, he's a veiltail:


Here's on to show his purple flanks:


And this is my sister's Veiltail or Combtail (we haven't decided yet):

i'd put mine up but i feel bad as he's currently suffering from fin rot since i added a new fish *so angry*
i give Shimmer a 7, he (she?) is very beautiful despite the stress stripes.

My new boy, whom I have named Jaws for his tendency to leap out of the water at feeding time (after I drop the food! I think he's trying to get my fingers) is the one on the right, he's a veiltail:


Here's on to show his purple flanks:


And this is my sister's Veiltail or Combtail (we haven't decided yet):

I rate jaws 9
hes a beauty

Rate my ikkle boy Goober


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I rate Rainbow 10 because he has an amazing colour and a beautifal full tail tho it would have been nice to see him flare :p

Rate my leroy - he is just a baby and still has alot of growing to do not like your big guys and girls, and sorry for the glass it is tank cleaning night lol



the firts pic is not a sd im affraid its a vt :good: very beautiful though. I would rate your little boy 8 but he does have some growing to do :good:

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