Jtnova's 12G Nanocube


Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Pennsylvania, USA
I am in the process of downsizing from a 90 gallon to a 12 gallon nanocube.


12 gallon nanocube dx

upgraded pump to maxijet900
middle chamber filled with LR rubble and chaeto with a submersible fuge light

~20 lbs of live rock
Mixture of zoas, brown with light green centers, green button polyps, a very small WoW paly, 2 multicolored rics
Skunk cleaner shrimp

I plan on having a zoa/ric garden with a centerpiece leather. Invert only for now, maybe a goby or two in the future.

Annnnd some pics:

The rics are MUCH brighter in person, need to be recolored in this pic.

Edit yes, i know i got bubble algae on the ric, but it was mailed to me that way. May need to work a mithrax crab in.
Update, added a green polyp leather (still waiting for the polyps to extend fully). Added a koralia nano for increased flow, but also got increased temps about 2F... the tank runs hot, i'm going to flip the fans so they blow out and suck air in on the sides. At around 6PM, the tank reaches 82F after having the lights on all day. Ambients are only around 74F, so the extra heat has to be coming from the koralia.

Finally, I added live sand from my 90gallon breakdown as well as 3 nassarius snails and a fighting conch.

I took a picture of the built-in filter so that anyone who sets up a nanocube in the future can have a look at how I run my tank.
Chamber 1 contains rowaphos and polyfilter which i clean off monthly.

Chamber 2 contains chaeto and a submersible light from intank.com. I run it on an opposite photoperiod from the tank lights (7PM-9AM). The chaeto has removed all cyano from my sand and I barely have to run the magnet on the glass (which is good because some of the glass can't be reached by the magnet).

Chamber 3 contains the return pump (upgraded to maxijet 900) and heater (set at 78F). I have pretty good flow to all parts of the tank and nothing sits on the sand for too long


And some pics of the livestock:







In conclusion, i'd like to remind everyone that keeps gobies TO KEEP SOME SORT OF LID ON THEIR TANK! I finally sold my 90gallon and moved it and found my diamond goby I thought died in tank months ago

Looking good, well, that is to say most of it looking good all except the goby :sad:

What made you change tanks?

Seffie x
Thanks Seffie. I changed tanks for a couple reasons:
1. I didn't have as much time as i'd like to maintain, spot feed, test, water change, etc on the 90g and didn't want my livestock to suffer, so i sold it all.
2. the tank was costing me ~$30 a month to run!
3. I bought a new tv and the tank paid for it :p

Anyway, I had wanted to get an all in one system for awhile, and I didn't want 2 tanks, so I just downgraded and recycled some stuff from the big tank!

I'm very impulsive :p

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