Journey To The Planted Side

Initial planting looks good. Now, don't fiddle too much with it. You running 2 lights or 4?

I can vouch for x2 t8s :p, asked her the other day, 'why are you only using two tubes'? back comes 'Liz said, just use two!'

Seffie x

Oh and Sis, if you dont want your reflectors any more can I have them please?

Big Sis x
Good, four lights is too many and your not growing anything extremely difficult. You decided not to dose CO2, right?

Yes come on seffie, you already have a lovely planted tank :nod:

No CO2 at the moment, it scares me and I really don't understand it properly, so for now its a no no, but maybe in the future.
Just saying because you have a lot of stems. I thought you were going to go a different route with the planting, ei... more crypts and those sort of plants. That being said, I've grown all of the stems you have currently in low-light systems without CO2 or dosing, the exception being the cabomba. But I can't grow cabomba no matter what I do. Too much mineral content in my water and I'm not willing to drastically change what I do to grow the plant.
Come on Seffie, you know you want to join the green side too ;)

I have got a planted tank SBS - just not sure I want to show it to you lot though :p its just plants, stuck in sand with a few tetras, corys, shrimps and a yellow bristlenose

Seffie x
One week since planting all seems to be fine, had a couple of plants trying to escape, but they were caught and put back in their places :lol:
The vallis is the only plant that seems to be struggling a bit, the top of the leaves have become transparant.
I have tested twice now using API freshwater master kit,

Ammonia .50
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20

PH 7.6
Ammonia .50
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 40

I am slightly confused by these readings, as I would have thought the Nitrite should have some trace???
How can I lower my PH?
SHHHHHHHHHH don't tell seffie, sneaky picture of her tank :ninja:

That made her post :hey: as she has posted better picture I shall remove mine :good:

Blackmail over :ninja:
eeeewwww i can see why she's never posted it! (lol, only joking). That looks really healthy, well done Seff!
I like it would look good with shrimp :hyper:
I like it would look good with shrimp :hyper:

:lol: there are loads of cherry shrimp in there!

This is a better photo - but yeah, it needs some work :blush:


And I really must stop having the lights on 12 hrs a day! Its a bit cloudy as I disturbed the sand during hte water change!

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