Journal For My 60 Gallon Planted Tank


Fish Crazy
Dec 31, 2007
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yeah so im going to start a journal of my 60 gallon tank. right now it has been set up for a while but never really heavaly planted. I will order 2 T5 lights with a fixture is this ok ? or is 10,000k to much the one bulb. Also I will be useing a DIY Co2 system. the picture is of the aqua scape that i like. It is backward so some of the word are hard to read. But i cant upload pictures other than the ones taken on the computer camera.


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If you are planning to use DIY CO2, make sure that your light levels are such that the plants will be able to handle unsteady CO2 levels. The levels will be unsteady as changing the mix will result in a lag in CO2 production until the reaction kicks in. I would also use multiple bottles and alternate changing mixes. I would not aim for high light in this case, unless you upgrade to Pressurized CO2. Aim for no more than 1.5WPG, especially if you are using T5s, which I like. You can even get by with less, probably 1.2WPG to grow most of the commonly available plants, except for the really demanding ones.

I like 6700k bulbs myself, though I personally find the color too yellowish, so I tend to alternate a 6700k with a colormax to get a nice balance. 10000k will be ok, just more whitish and maybe a bit glaring, but 6700k is better, or even 7100k if you can find it. Plants will grow in anywhere between 5000k-10000k, give or take a 1000k or so at either end. They tend to do better between 5000-9000k, though.

The link shows me a double T5 fixture. I'm assuming you're getting the 48" inch at 108W total. Only get one, and actually, aim a bit lower, especially if you're using the DIY CO2. I would seriously consider Pressurized CO2. There are cheaper options available. I do like the fixture, though. If you can't go pressurized, be prepared to change a lot of mixes and plant very heavily with fast-growing stems.

If you are planning to use DIY CO2, make sure that your light levels are such that the plants will be able to handle unsteady CO2 levels. The levels will be unsteady as changing the mix will result in a lag in CO2 production until the reaction kicks in. I would also use multiple bottles and alternate changing mixes. I would not aim for high light in this case, unless you upgrade to Pressurized CO2. Aim for no more than 1.5WPG, especially if you are using T5s, which I like. You can even get by with less, probably 1.2WPG to grow most of the commonly available plants, except for the really demanding ones.

I like 6700k bulbs myself, though I personally find the color too yellowish, so I tend to alternate a 6700k with a colormax to get a nice balance. 10000k will be ok, just more whitish and maybe a bit glaring, but 6700k is better, or even 7100k if you can find it. Plants will grow in anywhere between 5000k-10000k, give or take a 1000k or so at either end. They tend to do better between 5000-9000k, though.

The link shows me a double T5 fixture. I'm assuming you're getting the 48" inch at 108W total. Only get one, and actually, aim a bit lower, especially if you're using the DIY CO2. I would seriously consider Pressurized CO2. There are cheaper options available. I do like the fixture, though. If you can't go pressurized, be prepared to change a lot of mixes and plant very heavily with fast-growing stems.

ok thanks thats a lot of info to proses lol. But what do you mean by only get one? but yeah i am getting the 48 inch fixture.
Maybe you can give us some more info on plant species, substrate, filter type etc?
the filter is an aquaclear 70 gallon so a bit over powered which is ok because the stocking list I have goes a bit over 60 inches. (about 67) the substrate is going to be flourite i will order 4 bags when i order the light fixture. The plants: foreground; micro sword and dwarf sag. Mid ground; crypt(red wendtii) Corkscrew vallisneria, a rubin sword, anubias nana, java fern. Backround; Jungle vallisneria, spiral vallisneria, Alternanthera Sessillis(red ivy), Hygrophilia, and lily bulbs that i already have, Im not sure of the tame but they are big and red and have about 5-6 leaves and go dormet for about 3 months every 6 months. Heres the planned stocking.
-Rainbow fish-
4x boesemani
3x turquise
3x goyder river
2x red rainbow

-Cleaning crew-
3 yoyo loaches or 12 bar loaches *not sure which yet.
1 rainbow shark

-Algae control-
3x Siamese algae eaters
4x clown pleco
1x Chinese algae eater (not that it matters, but gold)

1x black angel fish
-Rainbow fish-
4x boesemani
3x turquise
3x goyder river
2x red rainbow

-Cleaning crew-
3 yoyo loaches or 12 bar loaches *not sure which yet.
1 rainbow shark

-Algae control-
3x Siamese algae eaters
4x clown pleco
1x Chinese algae eater (not that it matters, but gold)

1x black angel fish

Loaches need to be in a larger group, aim for 4-6, and I'd go for a smaller loach if you can find one. Ditch the Chinese algae eater, as they grow, they no longer eat algae and will suck on slower moving fish. Your Siamese and clown plecs will more than do the job. Remember, you've got some substrate movers in this tank, expect some shifting around and uprooting. I'm also not liking the solitary angel with the rainbow shark. One or the other. Sorry, I get picky with other people's stocking. I just want the combination to work well. You will have stress enough with the planted tank, no sense adding fish trouble to the equation.

I would look into a cheaper pressurized system. Check out eBay or Aquabid and see what's there. Or be prepared to have quite a few mixes and alternate the changing days. Keeping a constant level of CO2 will be a challenge for you. I would also add a lot more fast-growing stems to the mix. At least for the tanks initial setup. You've got basically good strong growers, but you can always use more. Hygro, Egeria, Rotala, Bacopa are all great to start with. Hygro, Rotala, and Bacopa are cleaner plants than Egeria, leaves are tougher and don't disintegrate so much. These plants will absorb ammonia and other nutrients quickly while you get used to managing your dosing regimen and your CO2 levels, and will out-compete algae. Plant very densly initially, 70-75% of the substrate covered, you can always thin out once the tank matures. It may initially look like a jungly mess, but it will probably be an algae-free one.


EDIT: The reason why I say this is because 108W of T5 over 60g is not the same as 108W of T8 or T12 Flourescent lights over 60g. The T5s put out a more strong light. Your 1.8WPG is going to possibly behave more like 2.4WPG of T8 lighting, which is lighting that would warrant pressurized CO2 and a dosing regimen. Just be careful.
-Rainbow fish-
4x boesemani
3x turquise
3x goyder river
2x red rainbow

-Cleaning crew-
3 yoyo loaches or 12 bar loaches *not sure which yet.
1 rainbow shark

-Algae control-
3x Siamese algae eaters
4x clown pleco
1x Chinese algae eater (not that it matters, but gold)

1x black angel fish

Loaches need to be in a larger group, aim for 4-6, and I'd go for a smaller loach if you can find one. Ditch the Chinese algae eater, as they grow, they no longer eat algae and will suck on slower moving fish. Your Siamese and clown plecs will more than do the job. Remember, you've got some substrate movers in this tank, expect some shifting around and uprooting. I'm also not liking the solitary angel with the rainbow shark. One or the other. Sorry, I get picky with other people's stocking. I just want the combination to work well. You will have stress enough with the planted tank, no sense adding fish trouble to the equation.

I would look into a cheaper pressurized system. Check out eBay or Aquabid and see what's there. Or be prepared to have quite a few mixes and alternate the changing days. Keeping a constant level of CO2 will be a challenge for you. I would also add a lot more fast-growing stems to the mix. At least for the tanks initial setup. You've got basically good strong growers, but you can always use more. Hygro, Egeria, Rotala, Bacopa are all great to start with. Hygro, Rotala, and Bacopa are cleaner plants than Egeria, leaves are tougher and don't disintegrate so much. These plants will absorb ammonia and other nutrients quickly while you get used to managing your dosing regimen and your CO2 levels, and will out-compete algae. Plant very densly initially, 70-75% of the substrate covered, you can always thin out once the tank matures. It may initially look like a jungly mess, but it will probably be an algae-free one.


EDIT: The reason why I say this is because 108W of T5 over 60g is not the same as 108W of T8 or T12 Flourescent lights over 60g. The T5s put out a more strong light. Your 1.8WPG is going to possibly behave more like 2.4WPG of T8 lighting, which is lighting that would warrant pressurized CO2 and a dosing regimen. Just be careful.

sorry i dont mean to sound like im in denial cuz i hate it when people say stuff like this but the rainbow shark and angel, Iv already had for more than a year and both are fine. Compared to other stories i'v heard my rainbow is quite freindly, He just sits around and minds his own buisness. And with the loaches I think ill trade a loach lor the CAE, Still not sure what kind I will get though.

But with the matter of Pressurized Co2 I realy cant right now Im going to try to by the end of the summer( thats when my birthday is) because right now i dont think my dad will let me as I just ordered the lights($124)60lbs of red flourite($75) and various ferts and a pair of aquatic forecets.

Right now I already have a big java fern in the tank
, some hygro, a melon sword(I attatchted a pic to show how nice it is, it was at walmart for $3.94 and i saw some not even as nice at the lfs for $9) some red wendtii, a nice rubin sword(also from walmart), and an onion plant which might go to another tank.

I think on sunday Im going to try to order some plants from this guy on ebay including and and more and lots of and bout 4 bunches of and finally


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also I forgot to mention that I have been doing about 40% water changes everyday focusing on cleaning the gravel with the gravel vacume, just so it is not a complete ses pool when I change the substrates.
well according to the tracking number for my order the stuff should be here wednesday(60 pounds of flourite, 2 t5 bulbs with the fixture some ferts and 6in aquatic forecepts) i Have decided to get 2 angels 4 12bar loaches, 2 clown plecos, and 4 SAE, the rest is the same. Is there anything else I should now?
well my tank looks like a mud pit, Im going to bed and letting it clear up over night-I hope...
well my tank looks like a mud pit, Im going to bed and letting it clear up over night-I hope...

Oh goodness! Didn't you rinse the flourite?! :blink:

That stuff clouds even after hours of rinsing.
oh yes i rinsced it its better today ill do another 50% water change today though
well i picked up some plants (about 10 stems of huge lush looking hygrophila for $3 some corkscrew val only 1 bunch of 3 plants because the rest were not looken to good and some green myrio-not sure how it will do and wasnt planning on it but it was cheap and looked good so i had to try it) also I picked up 2 clown plecos-i am going away to camp in a few days and decided to just get them before to keep algae low while im gone. they seem ok and i will watch them clossly before i leave to be sure. I was gonna put them in the quarintine tank but i saw them in the lfs a few weeks ago and they loked fine then too so Im hoping its ok.

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