Join The Livebearer's Club

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Fish Herder
May 18, 2009
Reaction score
Coventry, U.K
Hey Livebearer Keppers,

Since there is a club of Tropical Fish Forums for channa, bettas oscars, why not a group for all livebearers?
So, feel free to join the club and take a number; If you want to, put you club number in you sig like this;
Livebearers Club <2>
Livebearers Club <3>
Livebearers Club <4>

And so on, I think we should have a livebearers club instead of a club for every livebearers species as we would be here all day writing threads etc..
And if I believe you are knowledgable enough about livebearers [common, rare or both] then I might ask you to be the Manager or Deputy Manager.

So, take a number! And JOIN!


P.S There will also be an identical thread in the common livebearers forum identical to this thread, it will have a manager and deputy manager as does this thread.
Think this is best stuck to the common livebearers, as us rarities are a stuffy bunch :lol:
We are indeed a bit stuffy and I already belong to a club called American Livebearer Association. You could link to it through a link in my signature. As far as specific, even narrower focus clubs, I use the site regularly but don't see a lot of traffic there because it is too narrow. I am also a forum member of the BLA though not a paid member of that club. This forum is lots of fun and lots of traffic but I really enjoy working with other livebearer enthusiasts in other places.
We are indeed a bit stuffy and I already belong to a club called American Livebearer Association. You could link to it through a link in my signature. As far as specific, even narrower focus clubs, I use the site regularly but don't see a lot of traffic there because it is too narrow. I am also a forum member of the BLA though not a paid member of that club. This forum is lots of fun and lots of traffic but I really enjoy working with other livebearer enthusiasts in other places.

Join the BLA then Old Man :rolleyes:
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