I'm definetly gonna watch as those clowns change!!!
Keep us updated.
Keep us updated.

as an extra note, most softies don't like too much flow, so although its good to have more turnover just make sure that its not directed at any softies.
Hi John,
I'm running MaxiJets myself but the Koralia's seem to be getting a lot of good press, and they're easy on the electricity.
I also use Red Sea Coral Pro Salt, it does what it says on the tin and I'm happy with the results.
Nice Aquascape by the way.
What are you feeding your clownfish on.
Hey john at my work/LFS we use red sea coral pro salt also. It seems to do the job haha. Your question with the perculas is that they probably aren't mature yet because today at work I was looking at some of the new ones that came in and some had stripes that didn't connect due to there young age I'm guessing. The thing that is mind boggling to me is why they are only on one side of the fish because I have never heard of this but then again you learn something everyday right? Teardrop clowns are something new to me also. In my 14 gallon biocube i have the hydor koralia nano (290) and it seems to do well. In the 24 gallon you might need a little extra so probably look into the hydor koralia 1, or switch out the stock and put the hydor nano in. Tank looks good keep up the good work.