Yes, mostly, it is a "Surprise me!" wait and see what survives to grow out.
But I put the eggs that I believe are from the Blacks in a net of their own. I keep the nets full of Java and Christmas moss and some hair algae. It helps keep the water sweet and the fry will graze on them when I am tardy feeding. So I know there are 2-4 fry in the net I think has Black fry.
The longipinnus fry I can tell from the pandas easily. One is white with the panda black stripes--only a wieztamanni or maybe duplicaris could perhaps not be distinguished when very young by me. I have never had fry from those two yet. So I know I have fry in the black net. I know I have pandas and longipinnus in that net--but I don't know if there is anything else.
I know I have fry in the melini, San Juan (?), arcuatus, lf panda net. I don't know yet which fry I have. I ruined a couple of spawns by flooding the net and washing the fry out into the tank. I saw a fry or 2 scooting around, but I haven't seen them for a few days. But there are viable eggs and a fry or two in the net. One fry is different than any I have had before--all white, so I am guessing it is melini.
I have something scooting around at juvie fry status in the green neon, simulatus, caudamaculatus tank. It looks similar to a bronze. But I don't know yet.
I have lf albino and regular peppers and lf aeneus in nets. And sterbai eggs from some small spawns scattered around a few nets. Most likely there are fry by now.
Like I said I keep the nets full of moss and some algae, so I can't really see what is going on.
But I have babies, babies everywhere. I have 6 nets with eggs and fry. Some with just a few some with a ton.