Jiggy Ladies


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
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Fresno, CA
As I post the C. longipinnus lady is placing her eggs. A weitzmani is trying to get something going in the same corner. Some of the weitzmani are from Frank and some are wild caught. But he doesn't have any lady. He is just excited about the longipinnus lady's action.

Acroos the aisle is a green lazer lady that is frantically racing around with 4 fellas on her heels looking for the best place. I will check them all out before bedtime.

This will be the first harvest for the green laser if she and I make it.
I collected some of the longipinnus eggs. She went back at it when i left.

There were no green laser eggs. But they are with the guppys, who were very busy searching where she was looking.
Yes. One is large enough to clearly distinguish. That net is full of panda fry--20 or 30 or whatever; I don;t count if it is more than 5 lol--and I have harvested eggs from several small spawns now. I don't doubt that there are wigglers.

I found a juvies trolling the bottom this morning in a simulatus, caudamaculatus, green laser tank. But so far it looks like a bronze. LOL another escapee?

Most of my tanks are community tanks and I only recognize a few eggs so I have to wait o tell what they are. LOL Except panda. They are easy to tell--unless the weiztmanni decode to reward me.
Yes, mostly, it is a "Surprise me!" wait and see what survives to grow out.

But I put the eggs that I believe are from the Blacks in a net of their own. I keep the nets full of Java and Christmas moss and some hair algae. It helps keep the water sweet and the fry will graze on them when I am tardy feeding. So I know there are 2-4 fry in the net I think has Black fry.

The longipinnus fry I can tell from the pandas easily. One is white with the panda black stripes--only a wieztamanni or maybe duplicaris could perhaps not be distinguished when very young by me. I have never had fry from those two yet. So I know I have fry in the black net. I know I have pandas and longipinnus in that net--but I don't know if there is anything else.

I know I have fry in the melini, San Juan (?), arcuatus, lf panda net. I don't know yet which fry I have. I ruined a couple of spawns by flooding the net and washing the fry out into the tank. I saw a fry or 2 scooting around, but I haven't seen them for a few days. But there are viable eggs and a fry or two in the net. One fry is different than any I have had before--all white, so I am guessing it is melini.

I have something scooting around at juvie fry status in the green neon, simulatus, caudamaculatus tank. It looks similar to a bronze. But I don't know yet.

I have lf albino and regular peppers and lf aeneus in nets. And sterbai eggs from some small spawns scattered around a few nets. Most likely there are fry by now.

Like I said I keep the nets full of moss and some algae, so I can't really see what is going on.

But I have babies, babies everywhere. I have 6 nets with eggs and fry. Some with just a few some with a ton.
hi jollysue

i really do like the lf variaties im just looking into them now
to see were i can get some from for the future and panda are defornatly on my list aswell im sure ill
be like you in about 6 months or so were i dont know what speices iv hatched and how many i have lol
You would do well to be a bit more organized than me, for sure. I am overly laizer faire

I have no doubt with Sp00ky helping you will have a most impressive collection and will be soon working on a lead in most varieties spawned.

There are lots of issues with the lf varieties. Reasearch it lots before you commit to it.

I would encourage you to work on less controversial varieties to start.
yeah i will do jollysue :good:
i like to do allot of reading up on the speices im after before i get them.
and the lf ones will be well after the other ones i want frist
Check in the plant forum. Someone there might be willing to send some for shipping. ICEEGRL sent me some that I believe was sent to her by lldjma, the plant mod. I have already mixed it all up and have not a clue what is what! LOL
Check in the plant forum. Someone there might be willing to send some for shipping. ICEEGRL sent me some that I believe was sent to her by lldjma, the plant mod. I have already mixed it all up and have not a clue what is what! LOL

I'm not sure about the legality of shipping live plants across the border. But I will check the plant forums to see if there's someone there from Canada.

Thanks for the tip.
I now am hanging moss from the tops of tanks in water flow like spawning mops.

My ladies :wub: it!

Today I gathered eggs from everywhere in the simulatus, caudimaculatus, green laser tank. They were everywhere and on everything. The simulatus eggs are very tiny and placed individually. I have harvested them before, but never got any survivors. They have always been well hidden and hard to find. There were so many today (the lady and 2 fellas were doing the spawning dance so I got on the floor and searched) that I had to take everything apart to get them. I found lots.

I don't know if they were all simulatus ( a very attractive fish that I have been trying to get fry from for about a year), because a green laser lady and gent were courting the other day. I have not seen their eggs before, so I don't know what they look like. There were some small sticky clutches that didn't look like a simulatus spawn.

While I was at it I am almost sure I saw something moving around that I do not believe was a worm or snail. :hyper:

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