Jewels -How Aggressive Are They?


Fish Herder
May 17, 2009
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SE London
Put a young jewel cichlid who was being bullied by his brother in a tank with 2 danios. They were OK together for a week, till I did a 50% water change. Then one of the danios started swimming funny with its tail curved round and died afer a few hours. Other danio was fine and swiming/eating normally but 2 days later found his half eaten body on tank bottom. Both danios looked healthy and swimming fast all over the tank initially. Mind you I only adopted them recently so have no idea of their age or any previous illness.Jewel is still OK and looks healthy. Could he have killed and eaten both danios?
Yes quite easily, they have a bad reputation to the point that a lot of people avoid them unless they have a pair for a breeding program.
If I had any pics, It could probaly be Tuberculosis, but I don't for sure say so. I actually say Jewel Cichlid, they are African and are pretty mean.
If I had any pics, It could probaly be Tuberculosis, but I don't for sure say so. I actually say Jewel Cichlid, they are African and are pretty mean.
Sorry, I disposed of the half eaten danio bodies.What are the symptoms of TB in fish and how long will it take for jewel to show symptoms, if he caught it off the danios? One danio had a curved spine but both were eating normally and swimming fast with no sign of disease. I assumed it was chemicals in the water following water change that killed them.

I feel so guilty now. I thought danios were very fast swimmers, too fast for cichlids to catch. Jewel is only a juvenile and a bit of a wimp too_Originally he was sharing with a 2.5in female marble con as they were both being bullied. After 2 weeks they started fighting biting each other's faces so I put jewel in with danios as I thought she might harm him. Now she's dead too, died day after first danio As her body showed no external damage or scars I again assumed it was some chemicals in the water as I also did water change in her tank at the same time.Could the jewel also have fatally injured a slightly larger female convict who died 2 days later?
Must be Chems if it killed atleast 2 fish.

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