Jewel Corys?

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Fish Crazy
Aug 5, 2007
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I was at a LFS recently and they had some Corydoras labeled as Jewel Corydoras. They looked a lot like my Green Corys but were HUGE, and i've not been able to find anywhere where it metions Jewel Corys....They were maybe 3" long and tear drop shaped like other Corys, just about 3x the size of any i'd ever seen.
Sounds like maybe Brochis Splendens? Never heard them called that though.


You can see the 2 bigger ones are Brochis Splendens or commonly known as "Emerald Green" and you can see the smaller one, which is a Bronze C. aeneus, also called a "green" cory.
i think that was them! and maybe even labeled as Emerald Jewels or, i got Jewel on my mind. Either way they were beauties, all plump and green, and now i've got a direction to start researching in.

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