Jewel Cichlids In The Aquarium...


Fish Gatherer
Mar 27, 2007
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Okay, so I've always been fasinated by Jewel cichlids, and I know that they are African Cichlids, however I've done some research and found they can be only Semi-agressive when in a large enough tank, I was wondering if I could put them in my 55gallon tank with my Angelfish, black skirt tetras and some bottom dwelers (P.Senegal ->got a 125gallon coming for my b-day <-, Peacock eel [4-5"], a clown pleco and a clown loach <- clown loach going back to the store, I feel bad for it being in a small tank :()

So, do you think 2 jewels would be okay in this tank with my fish? or is it better not to even bother?
I wouldn't bother putting them together. You would probably end up with dead Angelfish.

i breed jewels and have a breeding pair plus one large male in a 55 tank with 6 clown loachs, redtail shark ,a fuelleborni and all seems fine,
may other 55 has two breeding pairs and 4 males in there and get along with the pairs takeing each end of the tank and the other camping up the middle.

just make shore you got heaps of spots and cave's for the fish swim around and though and hide
I think it is kinda a toss up. Iv had TONS of hemi's (jewel cichlids). Some have been SUPER aggresive, Iv also had a few I put in my community that have done just fine. My advise would be not at all. Esspecially if you have a pair that decides to breed. If your Hemi's breed, things will get ugly real quick. If they dont end up killing fish they will stress eveybody in the tank out. But in my experience it could work but i wouldnt risk it. just my opinion :good:
Alright then, after reading these recommendations, I won't be getting Jewels...

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