Jen's Forgotten Forest

6 angels, 3 peppered cories and 6 khuli loaches currently enjoying a acclimating bath. Next week I'll add 4 more angels and 20+ harlequin rasboras. A pleco will come as need arises, and, if my tank can hold them, some german blue Rams down the road too.
Now for the fun stuff!! It'll be pic heavy from here on I presume.

Angels taking a tour of the new home

2 shy ones found a hiding place

Didn't take long for him to find food...

Probably the last time I see these guys lol

Lights are now out while they de-stress in their new home.
Some of my angels are turning out quite pretty. This guy (gal?) looks lyre-tail, and has a nice green shimmer to his body and some iridescence to his dorsal fin. I can't wait to see how the rest of them develop.


5/6 of them are out regularly together, while one is still hiding when either of us are near the tank. I see it out schooling from afar, so I'll give it more time to warm up to the tank.

Later this week I'm going to head to the fish store and pick up the last of the angels and some harlequins. I hoping to pick up another big plant for the left side... I'm not liking the jungle val in this scape. Possibly another amazon sword or something big and bushy. I'm also hoping they got a shipment of java fern in so I can start covering the wood on the right. I'm still researching moss for the stump.
Probably the last time I see these guys lol

If they have enough hiding places and kept in numbers then no, I got Kuhlis 2 weeks ago I did not see them for a few days but now they come out of hiding all the time and 1 has worked out that if it pops up to the top of the tank when I feed my Bettas it gets extra food.

The more cover and hiding places they have the more confident they get. Before I lost my tank in the floods I had 17 Kuhlis in a 2 foot tank and I could hand feed them, I would put my hand in the tank near the bottom with a pellet in the palm and the Kuhlis were quite happy to swim onto it and eat.

This is a normal sight in my tank.

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They are quite active, and I do see them quite frequently. In the past I think I have been so heavily planted that there literally wasn't room to see them, not so much that they were hiding.

Added 3 more angels yesterday, and after a few hours hiding joined right in with the other six and are out and active all the time. Everyone seems happy and eating well.

I have seen the cories in a few days, so hopefully they are still alive and just enjoying the scenery.

Water stats are all looking great, but debris has me thinking it's time for a quick vacuum this weekend.
The new in tank entertainment system is a big hit!


All my co2 fittings arrived from Amazon on Friday, so we finally got everything hooked up. I'm sitting at a slow 1bubble per 3 seconds until I test the stats in a few hours. I had really wanted to go inline for the diffuser this time but had a hard time appleaing to the review-a-holic I live with. I found one I like (with a few bad reviews) but would have to buy more parts and this style was 1/3 the price. So this will do for now.
Patiently waiting for my water to clear up. Its been a few weeks now, but has slowly gotten worse. All my water stats are normal, and Ive done a 30% water change last weekend. At first I blamed it on the tannins from the new wood, but the brown turned milky last week. We've had some issues getting the CO2 up and running, and some of the plastic equipment is growing soft brown algae.

Any thoughts on the water?

20 years ago, I was 15 and bought my first aquarium, a 35g, and all the fixings from my uncle for $75 with all my babysitting money. I got a second hand book on species and put post it nots beside all my favourites. I still have that book, and it only has 2 post it's. 5 years later I bought a 90 of my buddy from college and got into live plants. Again, a new book and more post it notes. It has a few more post its, but asterisks are on two.

I have kept harlequins in most of my tanks. They are one of my favourites.

Angelfish are my number one fish. So graceful and majestic. I have tried to keep them in the past and never had them last more that a week. I don't know what was wrong in the past, but my 9 have flourished and almost doubled in size already.

Tonight, a dream 20 years in the making has come true. A tank of just angels and harlequins. 15 harlequins went in tonight, and I'll add another 10 or so next week.


They are schooling nicely, very hungry and exploring everywhere. The angels, for the most part are leaving them alone.
Here's hoping everything works out as I want!

Cheese has finally figured it out. He sits like this for 5 minutes, moves down the tank, 5 more minutes and so on. It's hilarious!
I still can't get the water to clear up. I'm getting a fancy new light for my birthday that is slightly less wpg. I'm 90% sure the free water is algae, and most likely because I can't run co2 consistently due to a bad solenoid, that I'm researching how to replace now. In the mean time my photo period is super short to try to cut it down.

Ive had to make the sad call to take out the stump. As much as I love it, it's just way to big. No matter how I turn it, it touches both her front and back glass and it make cleaning too hard. The amount of food debris collecting underneath was horrifying, and then I can't reach it with the siphon.

This new peice is from my last scape, The Precipice. It was supposed to be surrounded by tall bushy plants on the left and then looking over a meadow of grassy plants and bushes. It never came to fruition, as I moved and couldn't take the tank with me. I'm still going to keep the jungle style as my main theme, but we'll see where it ends up.

05Gr1nl.jpg still looks stunning! And yes it does appear to have that green tinge that would make me assume what you've assumed.
As for the wood...what we just saw in post this staying?
This looks workable!
About a year ago I added an enormous piece of spider wood to my little edge.
It was actually bigger than my tank so I had to cut it back. Since I couldn't fit it thru the silly little hole in the top I also had to cut it into two pieces.
I finally got it perfect and literally touched every wall of my tank and I couldn't get in for cleaning almost at all. But I loved it so much. shrunk?!?! Over time it got smaller and smaller and now it's not touching anything and it's easily moved around for cleaning. I hadn't taken that into consideration (shrinkage) when cutting it and I'm glad I didn't cut it more.

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