Albino's technically have to have pinky eyes to be albino, albino humans exist and they have, pink eyes, white hair, and white skin.This is a lack of pigmentation-leucistic .Just because you have white hair and white skin does not make you albino, you need pink/red eyes.
andyourblueblood is right, not dealing with fish morphs but I know from snake/gecko morphs he uses the same terms, EI leucistic . I've never heard of 'inbred pink convicts witha deformed lateral line' .The most common explanation is the con x parrot cross, thats why they are always be classed as hybrids.
And that CAE is a 'golden CAE'
[size=-1]Having pale or colorless skin, eyes, and hair because the body does not produce enough pigment.[/size][size=-1]<li>Hamster that is completely white in appearance due to a lack of pigmentation. The eyes are opque but appear to be pink because blood behind the eye can be seen.[/size][size=-1]<li>An animal that is completely white because it lacks the ability to make pigment. Its eyes are pale blue or pink.[/size][size=-1]<li>A pink-eyed, white furred/wooled rabbit.[/size][size=-1]<li>A pigmentless white phenotype, determined by a mutation in a gene coding for a pigment-synthesizing enzyme.[/size][size=-1]<li>An un-inked impression made by a printing plate. Such errors are scarce on stamps. They are more often found on postal stationery.[/size][size=-1]<li>A relatively rare, genetically recessive condition resulting in white hair and pink eyes.[/size][size=-1]<li>A theme in which a white pawn, on its starting rank, makes each of its four possible moves in turn – two forward steps and two captures – during the course of a problem’s solution.[/size]