
:shout: Albino's technically have to have pinky eyes to be albino, albino humans exist and they have, pink eyes, white hair, and white skin.This is a lack of pigmentation-leucistic .Just because you have white hair and white skin does not make you albino, you need pink/red eyes.

andyourblueblood is right, not dealing with fish morphs but I know from snake/gecko morphs he uses the same terms, EI leucistic . I've never heard of 'inbred pink convicts witha deformed lateral line' .The most common explanation is the con x parrot cross, thats why they are always be classed as hybrids.

And that CAE is a 'golden CAE'
[size=-1]Having pale or colorless skin, eyes, and hair because the body does not produce enough pigment.[/size][size=-1]<li>Hamster that is completely white in appearance due to a lack of pigmentation. The eyes are opque but appear to be pink because blood behind the eye can be seen.[/size][size=-1]<li>An animal that is completely white because it lacks the ability to make pigment. Its eyes are pale blue or pink.[/size][size=-1]<li>A pink-eyed, white furred/wooled rabbit.[/size][size=-1]<li>A pigmentless white phenotype, determined by a mutation in a gene coding for a pigment-synthesizing enzyme.[/size][size=-1]<li>An un-inked impression made by a printing plate. Such errors are scarce on stamps. They are more often found on postal stationery.[/size][size=-1]<li>A relatively rare, genetically recessive condition resulting in white hair and pink eyes.[/size][size=-1]<li>A theme in which a white pawn, on its starting rank, makes each of its four possible moves in turn – two forward steps and two captures – during the course of a problem’s solution.[/size]
Then why are lot's of all-white fish labeld albino?

Is that your final answer question which decides everything :rolleyes:
The answer to your question is technically they are wrongly labled...
Maybe its just originated from people making up names and calling certain fish lacking in pigmentation albino simply because they didn't know the true meanign of albino.
my pair of jb cichlids breed in my 75g w 6 other jb and they breed true. the fry turn out lil white jbs and grow normaly. this is a big missconception in the aquatic trade right now, i even believed jb's were hybrids, until a breeder showed me proof, and then gave me mine, which breed true also. jb are just short body pink convicts. shortbody is becoming popular in trade now, and it is in the genes, just like some of us can be born. some convicts are pink. if u havn't seen them and think they are dyed you are crazy. jb are just shortbodied versions. as for for the eggs, some males eat eggs, its how fish are...bc from what i am seeing in my tanks jb are as fertile as normal black convicts

i understand that if they are not pinkish/white/orangeish (but if they are the horrible blue, red, green) they are dyed bc true pink convicts are that (pink!), and some females have orange specales
A few years ago my LFS got in a shipment of dyed JB's and the last three left weren't dyed, so they never sold. Or if they were dyed, they were pink. I bought all three and ended up with 2 m, 1 f. I kept the m/f pair together after they paired up and chased off the other male. (A friend ended up taking him.) That pair bred several times, no babies made it past a few weeks though but that was probably my fault- no good baby foods. All were pink/flesh colored and looked eactly like the parents. The eggs hatched in approx 2-3 days usually, but they hid the original nesting site well so I'd usually just see a swarm of babies one day. If I had had the correct food for the babies and taken them out after a few weeks they probably would have made it. The parents would eat the young once a new clutch of eggs was laid. I'd love to get a new pair of them, but my bettas take up all my tanks right now. Good luck spawning them!!

PS- and yes, new parents do tend to eat the eggs the first few times, especially if they aren't fertile. It sometimes takes them a few tries to get it right. Just make sure you have food for the fry once they hatch!!
thank you all for finally clearing things up. i generally try not to give any false info. and i have done research on these fish before. i guess it just takes another person to say something or else your a liar...

i was just trying to educate. when you tell someone they are wrong MAKE SURE they are wrong...
Then why are lot's of all-white fish labeld albino?

Is that your final answer question which decides everything :rolleyes:
The answer to your question is technically they are wrongly labled...
Maybe its just originated from people making up names and calling certain fish lacking in pigmentation albino simply because they didn't know the true meanign of albino.
Bless you cheesy feet for informing krib.

Hey krib, true albinos do have pink/red eyes, anyone can label something albino, doesnt make it true.

It isnt true, and i would love to know what website says it is.

would you like to edit that?

Then why are lot's of all-white fish labeld albino?

Is that your final answer question which decides everything :rolleyes:
The answer to your question is technically they are wrongly labled...
Maybe its just originated from people making up names and calling certain fish lacking in pigmentation albino simply because they didn't know the true meanign of albino.
Bless you cheesy feet for informing krib.

Hey krib, true albinos do have pink/red eyes, anyone can label something albino, doesnt make it true.

It isnt true, and i would love to know what website says it is.

would you like to edit that?


Yeah im going to edit it. I have just never heard that all albino's have red eye's. And the fact that stores always lable them as albino's and stuff.
If you see white fish in pet shop with black eyes and lableled as "albino" it is only aquarium name, not really albino. I seen it lots in different stores.

However, there's different type of albinos. For example red eyes blood swordtails are kinda of albino but not true albino.

I noticed that krib make lots of false info or bad advices in other some posts lately. But im not looking for trouble so peace out.

But im confused about the orgin of jellybeans....are they hybrids or just shortbodied convicts? How I know if its true hybrid jellybean and not balloon convicts?
Would you mind telling me what posts i made false information on? Also, JellyBeans are Parrot Cichlid's that have been inbred with a male black or "albino"(a.k.a. pink convict) to creat Jelly beans. That is all there is to it.
lets drop with albino ####.
lets get back jellybean cichlids.
oh just reminds me my jellybeans are going to lay eggs any day now!!!!!
i will get pic as soon as the lay.
Would you mind telling me what posts i made false information on? Also, JellyBeans are Parrot Cichlid's that have been inbred with a male black or "albino"(a.k.a. pink convict) to creat Jelly beans. That is all there is to it.

quite right. however uncomfortable it may be they are indeed simply hybrids.

on the Albino subject, and it is important like it or not, if the eyes of any animal have colour, they are NOT albino, the animal mealy suffers from a reduced melatonin level. lack of eye colour is a must it the animal is to be called Albino. the eyes are red because the animals blood is red, if blood were green, the eyes would be green.

as for breeding, well with hybrids this can be problematic, though unlike many hybrids, they can, sometimes, breed. it will be interesting to hear how it goes.

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