Jelly Bean Tetras


Al Bundy
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Dec 12, 2003
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has anybody here got, or ever had Jelly Bean tetras, i saw them at my lfs today, and i wanted to get some, but i remebered reading they should be put in a species tank, is this true?
The genuine "Jelly Bean Tetra", (Ladigesia roloffi), is a hardy adaptable fish, but one which stresses easily. They don't need a species tank, but shouldn't be kept with very active fish. They are renowned jumpers, so a well fitting hood is in order.

There are several other fish that are sold as "Jelly Beans", a few are genuine small characins, but a number of painted/dyed fish have also acquired this label.
that is strange!!!!

the Ladigesia roloffi or Jelly bean tetra
is a different name compared to this one from the same database
Lepidarchus adonis or Jellybean Tetra
I have kept Jelly Beans before, they are easily stressed and do like to jump, in my experience they hate to be around larger fish like Gouramis, they spend most of their time hiding and are best in a tank of smallish fish.

Mine were with Khulis, Neons and Cardinals and Dwarf/Chain Loaches.
>>> that is strange!!!!

The joy of common names I'm afraid. As I said, there are several Characins that have picked up that name from time to time.

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