Jelly Bean Neon Tetra?

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Fish Crazy
Oct 5, 2005
Reaction score
Newcastle, uk
Has anyone here had any experience keeping these and would they be compatiable with neon tetras, also minimum group size etc.

For example in 22-23 gallon tank:

1 L134 plec (leopard frog)
5 Neon Tetras
3 Panda corys
2 German blue ram
3 endler liverbearer...

is this a good set up to add jelly bean tetras too? If not, what about this set-up could be changed? (apart from the leopard frog and neon tetras- which i currently have)

I need ideas, i want a colourful tropical tank. Its becoming heavily planted before i buy any more fish and i'm adding more mopani bogwood and java moss...
Never even heard of them.
I think since they're a TETRA, they should be in groups of 5-6.
Here are some images to give you an idea of what they look like:




Their scientific name is: Ladigesia roloffi
But it seems not much is known about them? Surely someone here must've had experience with this fish before? :no:
Found this if no one has them

Jelly Bean Tetra
Ladigesia roloffi (Gery, 1968)

Temperment Sociability Min. Tank Availability Area
Peaceful Groups 5 gallons Common Middle

A small Tetra that doesn't always go well in the community aquarium for the simple fact that it prefers an acidic pH, whereas most fish don't. Feed flake and frozen food, but when possible also supply the fish with small live foods. Keep in groups of five or more if possible.

Find suitable tankmates:
Common, Semi-Rare or Rare

Search results for this species:
Splash! - Altavista - Yahoo!

Liberia, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, Ghana
Max Size:
Slightly Acidic
72-77° F.
Okay thanks for the advice, its very helpful :) I like the look of them, im unsure about the slightly higher acidity though, as that would conflict with my breeding pair of german blue rams, which is a shame!

Also, anyone else have any stocking advice?
What ph are your rams in?

I dont have them yet, I'm just planning the tank as if i would have a breeding pair of rams, I know they like the PH at around 6.8 in order to breed and provide good egg development, but it would depend on how acid the jelly bean tetras would prefer also? :/

My ideal tank set up would be:
My leopard frog plec
My neon tetras
3 panda cory
2 german blue ram..

and the rest im looking for...
To me the slightly acidic for the fish you want could be anything below 7. Between 6.5 and to just under 7 to me is slightly acidic. Dunno though, it wasnt very specific really was it.
Yeah it was very vauge on how acidic a ph the jelly bean tetra prefer, i know 6.8 would probably be fine... i'm just a worrier and like to make sure its right :*)

If not jelly bean tetra, what other types of small schooling type fish could i get to go with rams? i've not seen many that have caught my eye in the same way as the 'jelly beans'
What about the lemon tetra..
I can't really tell much from the picture but "jelly bean" parrots are dyed fish. Don't know if that is the case with the JB tetras or not.
lemon tetras look nice, they might have to be an option, as i cant find anywhere that stocks jelly beans locally?

I dont think they've been dyed or enhanced in any way, from what i've read they're just quite rare to come by and hard to breed - but then i cant say for sure as theres little info out there!

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