Jbl Proktol To Treat Ich.


New Member
Jun 4, 2010
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I hadn't noticed until the Cardinal's were covered in white spots, that they had Ich. I believe that the sudden rise in temperature brought them out. It's 80F in my house and 82F in the aquarium.

I started the first dosing of JBL Proktol yesterday afternoon.

The packet stated that I should does 10mL per 100 Liters but I only dosed 5mL because of the Tetra's and the Corydora I have in there.

It states that I have to every other day for the next 10-14 days and do water changes before I re-dose.

Anyway. Has anyone had good outcomes with JBL? It was the only one that said that it would not entirely reek havoc on my beneficial bacteria though there would be some damage to them.

I've got in an air stone that's pumping lots of bubbles, I've got the water lowered so that the two filters are making as much splash as it can without making my parents insane with the noise. The aquarium lids are up, also and I only have the light on for about 5 hours a day because of the plants.

Nitrates are at about 5
Ammonia is at 0
Nitrites at 0

Also, I have Assassin Snails and I want to add EPSOM Salt to add to the kick of the medication. Is adding a tbl spoon of EPSOM salt alright in this case or will it hurt the snails?
Man. With the amount of users on this site, I'd have thought someone would have given me a decent answer by now. How useful this site is, truly. :angry:
Maybe it's because no one here has used JBL products? I haven't, but everything you're doing sounds fine
Don't use salt with the snails, they tend to die when that happens. Instead, give your fish a strong salt bath for 5-10 mins (20g/L) - it's great for treating almost anything, especially ich

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