
Fish Crazy
Sep 2, 2003
Reaction score
Hertfordshire, England
I have a couple of questions about this site.

1. Is it cheap? I know that my lfs sells bunches of plants, 5 for £5 but i don't know after the P & P on the site.

2. Also when ordering a number of plants, is it stems or what? I want some java fern but I'm not sure how much '5' is.

Thanks ;) .
JamesTasker said:
I have a couple of questions about this site.

1. Is it cheap? I know that my lfs sells bunches of plants, 5 for £5 but i don't know after the P & P on the site.

2. Also when ordering a number of plants, is it stems or what? I want some java fern but I'm not sure how much '5' is.

Thanks ;) .
rite ok.

i use them there very good.

basically its the stems, so if you get 5 java ferns, you get 5 stems with bout 1 or two leaves.

if you rinse them out TWICE then you wont get snails. pay attention to the light many watts is your light and how big is ure tank?
ots is cheap and v.fresh. better than going to ure local store. al shipped in from singapore!
Thanks. :thumbs:

How many java moss plants would you suggest I buy to make sure that it takes in the aquarium (I've never had it before)?

how many watts is your light and how big is ure tank?

My tank is 30 gallons and I have 2 lite-glo lights in the hood which came with the tank. I threw the boxes away but I think thta they might be 30 Watts each.

I bought some Java Moss from there once before. I bought 15. I had that much that i gave the girlfriends dad some.

Little tip though - buy some fishing line and make sure the moss is is secured tightly to what ever objected you are tying it to.

Hope this helps
I bought plants from them and the plants were very good and they are all doing well. Only thing I would say is that they do not iME provide enough lead and also that their plants often come with free creatures.

I got at least 2 kinds of snail and some unidentified insecty thing.
JamesTasker said:
I always get free creature, I'm not particularly bothered abou that - I just take them out :lol:

Thanks for the info everyone ;) .

Tell that to ChrisX. His free creatures took over his tank and ate all the plants!!
Another good site is greenline aquatics( search on Google) I've had loads of good plants from them! ! :D

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