Java Moss


Fish Fanatic
Nov 26, 2006
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England Plymouth
HI, has any one here got any advice on java moss. I think it looks great. Is it hard to keep under control? does it take over the whole tank? and what are the bennifets of haveing it in the tank?
Also moss balls what do they do and what can they do for the tank?

Cheers Brads :hyper:
Moss balls are purely decorative. Java moss can be tied to wood, and makes it look more natural. I believe it prefers lower light (although I'm not certain.) And I know for a fact that it is slow growing. (so it's easy to control and doesn't take over.)
They don't need a lot of light, but if you want them to grow faster add more nutrients and light.
My only experience so far is in low light and it is indeed slow and easy to handle. That being said I beleive there are alot of people that have had problems with it. I heard a number of people say that they can't get it out of thier tanks. I do know here in Toronto there are lots of people giving it away because they constantly have too much.
I took it out of my heavily planted tank because little pieces break off all the time and get caught between other plants (which is how it propogates), and it was just getting unsightly. Other than that it was fine - I have 4.5 wpg with an onyx sand subst. and diy c02 and I didn't have a problem with it "getting out of control" per se, just didn't like having to be fishing moss out from between the plants.

If you do get it, be sure to clean it THOROUGHLY. It will carry in snails and whatnot into your tank like crazy if you don't.

- Mike

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