Java Moss


New Member
May 2, 2006
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How is the best way to plant java moss, i firstly just tried to sneak it in within the gravel but the fish just ate it and shredded it.
unfortunately for you, all of your fish are herbivores! (im not shure about the loach, but all of the others are) this is probably why they ate it. try feeding them more, but dont go crazy, remember overfeeding can be disastorous.
tie it to a piece of rock/wood. or anything (some thing with a rough surface will work better.) use cotton to tie it on and eventualy the cotton will disintergrate and the java moss will have rooted to the stone or wood
The fish were probably ripping it apart because it was in the gravel and there was food around it. Java Moss is quite bitter for fish and most will leave it alone if fed enough.

I have found the best way to secure java moss is to tie a thin layer with cotton, as BigIan said, but then wrap some more moss around that and trap it between two rocks either side. The moss secured by thread at the bottom grows up and 'grabs' the top moss layer trapped by rocks, and creates much more of a java moss 'bush'. Looks beautiful.
I found some instructions to make a moss wall using some crossstitch material and putting the moss in the middle but the fish just shredded it all. I have guppies, tetra, hatchets, shark, pleco, danio etc. Does anyone know why they ate it as they are fed every day and given live food once a week?

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