java moss


Fish Crazy
Jul 25, 2005
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my java moss doesnt seem to be growing, what are the requirements for this plan to succeed?
java moss is a realtively easy plant to grow its a tough plant that grows quickly in my experience and i know alot of people that would agree so i dont see any reason you should be different. are you sure its java moss?
java moss takes some time to establish itself, but once it does, there's no stopping it. How long have you had yours.?

BTW, moved to plants - you should get more replies there.
my java moss is a brown clump with tiny little bits of green, will this thing take a few months before i start to see any really growth ?
It appears genuine enough - he has lots of positive feedback.

Your moss may have been "passed it" already before you planted. If the green "bits" do not grow any in the next couple of weeks then I would give up on it personally and buy some more. Sorry.
java moss cant take heat really well :) turns brown and stops growing :) thats what happened to mine

another thing is if the water column is dry of nutrients it will grow sloooowlyyyy

*just from experience but not proven

(my java moss is growing well now because of the cooler temps these days here, and also my attempts to cool down the tank helped)
whats the best conditons for them as i may take it out of my tank and let it grow in a bucket. should i stick it in a bucket with no light?
i place my extra moss in a plastic tub outside shaded from direct sunlight immersed in water :) it gets a bit frail looking but still grows when placed back in my tank :)
I got my sons' java moss from exactly the same seller, and it has been growing very happily for the last month


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