Java Moss on a stick. Cheap!

I must report (ha) that moss on a stick is now at an angle. I tied it to a another branch that has a small java fern on the end. All over moving the Bolbitis heudelotii around from shade to sun.
Pray for me!..that plant..I never tried so hard to grown anything! or water. Except for a Mango tree in our non tropical or even non subtropical SF bay area ca.
Its been stood at an angle. I see new growth. Now,do I let it revert? Or do I trim?..Not sure yet.
Well,I could twist the wood a bit so the straight line bamboo is behind the curved wood. But more time to see how the Java does.. Unless I were to trim it will get lumpy on its own. Mosses have not had a good record in this tank with sunlight...but the iron has changed things so its now growing a little. Even a small clump of Christmas moss is green in there..but nothing like in photos of it at its best in Co2 tanks.
Well,I could twist the wood a bit so the straight line bamboo is behind the curved wood. But more time to see how the Java does.. Unless I were to trim it will get lumpy on its own. Mosses have not had a good record in this tank with sunlight...but the iron has changed things so its now growing a little. Even a small clump of Christmas moss is green in there..but nothing like in photos of it at its best in Co2 tanks.
Don't you want it lumpy? I think it would look more natural. I don't know anything about mosses, I bought a bit of Christmas Moss but was too paranoid to use Gorilla Glue!!! Now it floats and lives on a tiny piece of tiny Anubius with a little bit of fluffy green algae up in the floating Hornwort strata.

I am hoping it is good for minnows to put eggs.

I also have the same scenario in another tank for my Red Cherry shrimp, hopefully, to put eggs. Honestly, I think they just sling them around! :) Something has been keeping my CPDs fed, they don't freak out as much as my other fish do at feeding time! And they are plump and healthy.
I also have the same scenario in another tank for my Red Cherry shrimp, hopefully, to put eggs
Red cherry shrimps don't lay eggs, in the sense that they deposit them somewhere. The female carries the fertilised eggs round under her abdomen until they hatch into miniature shrimps.
Red cherry shrimps don't lay eggs, in the sense that they deposit them somewhere. The female carries the fertilised eggs round under her abdomen until they hatch into miniature shrimps.
I guess I assumed they were flinging them out because of how intense they are with the egg-rolling behavior. Do they pick a spot, though? Would my fish be eating the tiny shrimp?
Mosses are sort of like Subwassertang...they do best where they want to be. I know I had good growth with Subwassertang until I bought Redline barbs..they ate it. Even with no iron or anything,Subwassertang did well. You see redline barbs in many planted tank photos..but my floating frogbit also is 100% gone since adding them and I had a lot of that in this big tank.
But anyways,Java is 1,000x easier than any other moss species to grow. Christmas Moss wants Co2..mine does not even start to compare to those gassed tanks. But,we will see...never know if it catches fire.
I have never witnessed any of my shrimps' eggs hatching so I have no idea where it happens. But yes, fish will eat newly hatched shrimps. However, I have shrimps of all ages in my tank so some of the babies must survive.
Shrimp/ prawn eggs normally hatch at night so the larvae have more chance of surviving.
Mosses are sort of like Subwassertang...they do best where they want to be. I know I had good growth with Subwassertang until I bought Redline barbs..they ate it. Even with no iron or anything,Subwassertang did well. You see redline barbs in many planted tank photos..but my floating frogbit also is 100% gone since adding them and I had a lot of that in this big tank.
But anyways,Java is 1,000x easier than any other moss species to grow. Christmas Moss wants Co2..mine does not even start to compare to those gassed tanks. But,we will see...never know if it catches fire.
The guy at the fish store said Java moss would grow like crazy. I thought, cool!!
But he sold ne Christmas instead?
"Subwassertang" sounds like an adult beverage one drinks when it's cold outside!
Will you post picture?
I love Java Moss. I got my first bunch of it last summer on @Colin_T 's recommendation for my Killifish. I have seen my Aplocheilus linneatus spawning into it. A great plant but it sure does grow slow. The outfit I got mine from says that true Java Moss is Vesicularia dubyana. The pictures I see in this thread is the same stuff I have. Everyone should have some.
I don't have but tiny pieces of Subwassertang..and it's not even seeable to make a photo of. The darn thing's a good plant IF nobody eats it. Snails,fish..will.
I came to report I saw a tank on the net THAT LOOKED AS IF..he bought like a ~dozen of those Moss sticks,broke them in half and then stuck them in the gravel in groups of four and five, close together at the base and then spread like a group of palm trees. Looked pretty cool in a 20 gallon long he said. I imagine he pushed up the last 2 or 3" of moss out of the gravel on the pole..or he just sacrificed them to have moss top to bottom just like that. It was a vid about the other plant he had in the tank so he did not mention the moss.
I think they were mostly moss poles but 2 did have a slight curve. So, either or eyether...the idea is there to use.
btw,it has grown well. Much faster than Christmas Moss I have in the same aquarium. No Co2 and lots of fish? Java is the only moss to go.
I saw a vid (Ryo Watanabe?) from Asia and what they do is grow the moss on the stick out of water...that's how to get to cling so fast and be short.
My stick is doing fine..out racing Christmas Moss that's a glacier in growth. Just those for now, I did kill weeping moss..but that was right before my Iron discovery.

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