Java Moss on a stick. Cheap!


Fish Herder
Dec 10, 2018
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One of the better Petcos re opened its aquarium section with all new set up..less tanks,gone are the glass ponds with waterfall and plants. It's much more Jetsons...everything in a very light almost white,color and the plant tank has rows of cupholders..nothing sold in sands,all plants in pots. So,ok..I figure look at plants not fish ( most of the tanks were nearly empty for whatever reason) and I see 12" sticks wrapped in Java Moss for $4.99. Funny that I wanted Java Moss to try again and wrote that here someplace yesterday. My Iron thing and all that. A really good deal..its mounted and attaching loose strands like the usual way for the last 50 years.
So,now to see how it goes. I tell you,if you have an algae problem? Moss will be the first thing to succumb. Make very sure you feel your aquarium is stable. Does not have to be fancy...just stable.
4.99 that is cheap for a 12 inch stick, they were going for something like 9.99 at the petco here.
I would have passed at $10 Vike because sometimes LFS gets it loose for $8. But $4.99 and mounted nice and neat?. give it a try.
One of the better Petcos re opened its aquarium section with all new set up..less tanks,gone are the glass ponds with waterfall and plants. It's much more Jetsons...everything in a very light almost white,color and the plant tank has rows of cupholders..nothing sold in sands,all plants in pots. So,ok..I figure look at plants not fish ( most of the tanks were nearly empty for whatever reason) and I see 12" sticks wrapped in Java Moss for $4.99. Funny that I wanted Java Moss to try again and wrote that here someplace yesterday. My Iron thing and all that. A really good deal..its mounted and attaching loose strands like the usual way for the last 50 years.
So,now to see how it goes. I tell you,if you have an algae problem? Moss will be the first thing to succumb. Make very sure you feel your aquarium is stable. Does not have to be fancy...just stable.
I'm eager to see how it comes out!
I'm still moving it around!..decided that horizontal would look more natural and more bang for my buck coverage than vertical would. But,thats today. I might try it some other way..then one day that's it and I stop.
Looks good too..even the dead moss looks cool. Woodsy. I can see this aquarium could be never ending changes. Some rocks I put in? Now,I want to take them out as just using space for nothing.
One tip: If you like Rainbows? No matter how much you feed the fish,never keep slow eaters or movers with them. It's all fish that dart at feeding time. I have a couple of Apistogramma and have to make sure I aim for them. They are healthy..but any future additions won't be hunt and peck fish.
Here's the moss on a stick. Behind it is the Bolbitis that would not die,but would not grow until I added iron gluconate. Also some Christmas moss. This aquarium has been fine for all plants but mosses. I suspect the Rainbows and the Redline Barbs like to nibble the newest ,finest growths on moss. If you can start out with lots of might be able to keep ahead. Maybe.
I stand up my moss on a stick by my heater and air lift tubes. I pick up some at Petco when they marked it down by 75%
Looks pretty cool!
Alternanthera reineckii rosanervig. Only,it might be just plain A.reineckii as this has almost no variegation to the leaves. IF you look VERY close you see faintest marks...but nothing like the ones in online photos. I grew that from tissue culture bag I bought at Petco. The plants they sell are good enough,if high priced.
My aquarium gets no Co2. So for that it has good color..the undersides area vivid purple.
ALSO,be careful when you see Alternanthera sold as cuttings. As there is a close relative that IS NOT AN AQUARIUM PLANT..and it will just slowly rot underwater. I learned the hard way.

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