Java moss and toads

Ed Pursell

Fish Fanatic
May 28, 2022
Reaction score
Lehigh Valley Pa
Not new to the hobby, but weird question, I have a tank set up for years with Fire Belly Toads(frogs) and have a nice collection of Java Moss growing in the tank and on the waterfall I have in the tank. These toads are a slight bit toxic, can I introduce some of the moss from the poisonous frog tank into the freshwater tank with my tropical fish? Oh should I get some moss from another source? I’d like to snip some from the Fire Belly’s but don’t want to poison the fish tank. Thanks!
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

Can you handle the toads with your bare hands?
Does the poison wash off your skin easily?

If it does wash off easily, you should be able to rinse the Java Moss a few times and maybe soak it in a bucket of water between rinses. After a few soaks and rinses it should be free of any poison.
Thanks, they are not too toxic, not like Dart frogs but can irritate your skin on some people. Maybe I’ll try the soaking idea for a week or two with water change outs. I just never like to mix things/decorations from tanks to tanks.

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