Java Fern


Fish Crazy
Oct 26, 2006
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UK (Wiltshire)
New to the planted stuff, the real ones that is.
Anyhow I am trying to grow some real stuff and bought a few different varieties from the Lfs and do not know what make this one is, :blush: I think it is a Java Fern but would like conformation before I decide to attach it to the wood. :unsure:

Could someone confirm my beliefs please.

Sorry for the quality, it`s the best I can do at the moment.

Oh cool,
If I attach it to the wood with an elastic band (thats all i`ve got at the mo) how long should it take for the roots to attach.
Is that all I have to do. Wait and see what happens?
You not got string? fishing line?

put the elastic band on for a month maybe. just test it...release the pressure of the elstic band on the plant and see if it's going to come off. If it won't then it's attached. :D

I can get some fishing line tommorow, maybe thats a better idea as it wont look so unslightly.

I would take them out of the sand for now, if I was you. They do not like to be buried in the substrate and could start to rot.
You don't have to take them right out of the sand. Just pull them up a bit so the rim zone is just above the sand.
They are out of the sand, thankyou. They are elasticated to each of the bogwood for now until I can get some fishing line tommorow.

The two plants are actually five`ish stems in one. Do they need to be seperated and attached seperately or can they be attached as one, if you can understand what I am thinking?
Just leave them as one. If you want to you could cut the rim zone in half but i'd let them get established first HTH
When I removed the weights and sponge there is a lot of black stuff like dandruff around the stems, is this normal, more importantly is it safe? it seems to have become water bourne and floating around in the water and settling on the leaves of other plants.

Sorry to sound dumb, I`m new to live plants, but what is the "rim zone"?
When I removed the weights and sponge there is a lot of black stuff like dandruff around the stems, is this normal, more importantly is it safe? it seems to have become water bourne and floating around in the water and settling on the leaves of other plants.

Sorry to sound dumb, I`m new to live plants, but what is the "rim zone"?

1. "black dandruff" doesn't sound too great, maybe you should wash it off. It isn't just the blackish/brown roots is it?

2. I think he meant "rhizome", which is the long green "root" type structure that the leaves are attached to and run perpendicular to.

I wouldn't split the rhizome just now: wait until it is longer and has more leaves on it and then maybe split it into two or three segments. You can keep doing this to each individual plant so that you have many.

greg :good:
I think he meant "rhizome", which is the long green "root" type structure that the leaves are attached to and run perpendicular to.

sorry yes thats what i meant. Dunno why I call it "rim zone" That's what I've always called it :blush:
Thanks 14gtr14, it could be stuff that has come off the roots, yes you are right I should have washed them first, they were washed before I put them in the tank with the foam and weights on.

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