Java Fern Help

Thanks for the suggestion Byron.  Normally, there is a pretty regular routine with the lighting, but as I'm home on holidays the lights have been a bit irregular, i admit.  
This is my first tank with live plants so for me at the moment it's a bit of trial and error.  I have quite a variety of plants there sort of just testing out which plants will work for me and which won't.  Probably not the best approach, but that's what I'm doing.  Hopefully, it is just an adjustment period, but if it doesn't like the lighting it is getting at the moment, I may need to look at moving it around to a different place in the tank then. 
Dean :)

Alasse said:
Looking forward to seeing a full tank shot with ya new plants
Cheers :) Won't be anything like yours are, but I'll try my best!!! Will let you know when I have new pics :)

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