Jason Arthur Taylor's introduction


New Member
Apr 13, 2022
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kensington, md, 20895, usa
The intro email said I should post an introduction. I have experience with all sorts of fish, on and off, over the years. My current tank is just a tiny freshwater tank.

The reason I am here now:

Two days ago I found my goldfish on the carpet dead. It was in the air for between 0-7 hours. I tried to do CPR by giving pulsed pressure to the abdomen/collar region, but it was dead as a doornail. Then, today, I got word that another fish died. A glofish, floating at the top of the tank.

They had contracted ich a week ago. I had an unopened ich treatment in hand from a prior outbreak of ich in the tank. It was different from the prior medication I tried. I guess I over-treated them because the goldfish didn't seem to like the treatment. It started going haywire, with super aggressive movements suggesting of it being extremely stressed out. So, it jumped out. Obviously, I had the water level too high, but the tank is curved in at the top, so I just didn't think it could happen.

Another reason I suspect the ich medicine combination was bad for the fish is that the glofish died. His appetite and activity dwindled once I had added the ich medication. Obviously, I need to do a water change and remove all of the ich medicine. From memory, (currently I am bedridden due to a back injury) the medication had formaldehyde. This is a very broad spectrum anti-life substance, arguably as broad spectrum as something like DDT. I really don't think it was a good treatment. Even for short durations, it's just poison. The goldfish knew it was poison, I think.

Anyway, the reason I joined the forum today is to get recommendations of a ich-specific medication instead of some of the industrial sludge/toxic crap in these "medications" that have a good chance of killing fish. Ich isn't necessarily a fatal disease, so I am a little ticked that something toxic to my fish (and so broad spectrum) was in there.

What is the best medication for ich that is super specific to something required by the infective organism and that has no effect to normal animals?
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Sorry for your losses :(...

If you have a heater that is adjustable, slowly crank it up to around 82-84°F and add salt to the tank in doses of 1-2 table spoons per 5 gallons... The salt will treat the wounds and should kill freshwater ich. Others with more experience may be able to chime in and correct me if I am wrong.

And uhhh... Dont do fish CPR... They dont have lungs to breath air like us... I appreciate you trying to save it though!
I hate to be the bearer of unpopular opinions but most fish medicines are a gimmick and exist only as a means of profit for the manufacturers. Ich can usually be treated best by a short term temperature increase. Those nasty chemicals build up in the water and are toxic to your fish , plants and beneficial bacteria. After using them you should drain the tank and start over. This is just my opinion and not true actual fact. Some people swear by the various cures sold. Plain old non-iodized salt is the best cure for most things but even better than that is good aquarium maintenance and cleanliness. Don't invite problems through neglect. Just one more thing . . . . ditch the Glofish. They are a crime against nature.
I hate to be the bearer of unpopular opinions but most fish medicines are a gimmick and exist only as a means of profit for the manufacturers. Ich can usually be treated best by a short term temperature increase. Those nasty chemicals build up in the water and are toxic to your fish , plants and beneficial bacteria. After using them you should drain the tank and start over. This is just my opinion and not true actual fact. Some people swear by the various cures sold. Plain old non-iodized salt is the best cure for most things but even better than that is good aquarium maintenance and cleanliness. Don't invite problems through neglect. Just one more thing . . . . ditch the Glofish. They are a crime against nature.
Some medicines can be good though. Although most are really harsh treatments.

Even genetically messed up animals need love... But it is a tricky situation cause when you buy them, it increases demand to breed them and sell them... Sad sad world were in
ditch the Glofish. They are a crime against nature.
No, that's not the big crime against nature that just occurred. Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. The Age of Aquarius is here now. Welcome to transhumanism. The tech is even there for immortality. The glofish is a nice conversation starter for those who still think the XXXXXXXX were harmless. And even if glofish are the biggest crime of the last few millennia, it should be talked about. It's a lot easier to talk about if it if it is sitting on the table in front of you instead of having one of those useless "well if you do an internet search you can find GMO animals for sale, really, just ignore the pages about aliens, I promise I am not making this up" conversations.
And uhhh... Dont do fish CPR... They dont have lungs to breath air like us... I appreciate you trying to save it though!
I don't have a heater right now. :(

Yeah it was just an idea. I didn't have anything to lose. The point of the cpr was to pump blood. With humans we pump both lungs and hearts. I bet you I got the blood pumping. If the blood is pumping underwater that should have put oxygen into the brain. But just because it is a fish doesn't mean the brain death doesn't occur in 5 minutes without oxygen.
@JasonArthurTaylor I hear you man ! A lot is true in what you say but I'm a grouchy old man with old prejudices that just won't die. So please bear with me when I say that the Glofish are an abhorrence foisted upon us by unhinged mad scientists. 😅
I will tell you a secret. I don't know if this is common knowledge or not. The glofish were subjected to different lights. In fact, my light's color is programmable. If put on the blue-ish color that lights up the glofish the most, it would hide under the hiding space I made in the tank. (A coffee cup.) Other colored lights? They didn't mind. So, the glofish hate the thing that makes them sell.

Seems possible that parts of the eyeball light up, in which case they cannot see as well? (Usable signal is really signal - noise.) Regardless, it's a frankenfish that hates part of itself and the fluorescent lighting. But I don't care about fish. I care about people, and fish can help humanity realize what's really going down.
I don't have a heater right now. :(

Yeah it was just an idea. I didn't have anything to lose. The point of the cpr was to pump blood. With humans we pump both lungs and hearts. I bet you I got the blood pumping. If the blood is pumping underwater that should have put oxygen into the brain. But just because it is a fish doesn't mean the brain death doesn't occur in 5 minutes without oxygen.
That is true! I forgot about that... This may sound silly but I once brought a caterpillar back by doing the smallest chest compressions youd ever seen... It crawled away and I smiled and let him do his thing...
To kill ich the temperature must be 86 deg F/30 deg C. Below that, the lifecycle is just speeded up and the parasite is not killed. The temperature should be kept at that level for 2 weeks.
Thank you for the correction!
I was told off for getting it wrong a couple of years ago ;) I knew the temp in deg C but got the conversion to deg F wrong :blush:
I was told off for getting it wrong a couple of years ago ;) I knew the temp in deg C but got the conversion to deg F wrong :blush:
ahh ok... I know I always use deg F, so sometimes people say that their tank is 24 and fish are dying and it takes me a second to remember: "Oh, yah... Thats in C." LOL
The intro email said I should post an introduction. I have experience with all sorts of fish, on and off, over the years. My current tank is just a tiny freshwater tank.

The reason I am here now:

Two days ago I found my goldfish on the carpet dead. It was in the air for between 0-7 hours. I tried to do CPR by giving pulsed pressure to the abdomen/collar region, but it was dead as a doornail. Then, today, I got word that another fish died. A glofish, floating at the top of the tank.

They had contracted ich a week ago. I had an unopened ich treatment in hand from a prior outbreak of ich in the tank. It was different from the prior medication I tried. I guess I over-treated them because the goldfish didn't seem to like the treatment. It started going haywire, with super aggressive movements suggesting of it being extremely stressed out. So, it jumped out. Obviously, I had the water level too high, but the tank is curved in at the top, so I just didn't think it could happen.

Another reason I suspect the ich medicine combination was bad for the fish is that the glofish died. His appetite and activity dwindled once I had added the ich medication. Obviously, I need to do a water change and remove all of the ich medicine. From memory, (currently I am bedridden due to a back injury) the medication had formaldehyde. This is a very broad spectrum anti-life substance, arguably as broad spectrum as something like DDT. I really don't think it was a good treatment. Even for short durations, it's just poison. The goldfish knew it was poison, I think.

Anyway, the reason I joined the forum today is to get recommendations of a ich-specific medication instead of some of the industrial sludge/toxic crap in these "medications" that have a good chance of killing fish. Ich isn't necessarily a fatal disease, so I am a little ticked that something toxic to my fish (and so broad spectrum) was in there.

What is the best medication for ich that is super specific to something required by the infective organism and that has no effect to normal animals?
Do you have any other goldfish? How big is your tank?

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