jars for juvies!


New Member
Jun 21, 2004
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are these okay to jar for juvies? 5 1/2 inch tall 4 1/2 inch diameter

Hate to disagree, but those would be fine for housing juveniles. Alot of the breeders use comparabale cups.
well-personally i would not do it. the smallest mine go in are 42 ounce and i still think thats too small.
wow you guys post fast...

well, i thought they would be okay... the most i would need would be at least 150 i will be buying more as the times come. i was thinking about buying the 4x4x7 beanie baby cases, but they are too expensive for what i need.

if treefrog is an expert and she/he says that these 32oz cups are okay, then i'll go for it, but i do not plan to spend a lot when i do not need to
I don't claim to be an expert, and am about to breed myself for the first time. Just a girl who loves bettas. I plan on using deli cups myself. If you want the opinion of an experienced breeder ask BKK_Group, sharks_1_fan, or wuvmybetta. I am speaking from what I have learned from alot of other experienced breeders.
yeah, i was told that wuvmybetta was a expert at breeding bettas.
Thanks Tree :) My experience is limited though to 2 successfull spawns, several unsucessful and a crapload of research both on the internet and talking on phone and in person to longtime breeders.

Many many many breeders use the 32 oz. Deli cups for their Juvis and they do just fine (many show winners grew up in those deli cups). HOWEVER, in something that size, keeping the water quality high is very hard yet of course VERY important! A drip system is the best thing to have for that little water, however if you don't have a drip system setup, then near daily water changes are required. My beanie cases hold about 38 oz. and I do water changes in them at least 5 days a week, in the amount of 40-70%. It's very time consuming, but I know it's necessary, so I do it until I get my drip system/barracks system setup. (hopefully in the next couple of months). So if you do use those cups, please be sure to do those water changes daily!

Yeah, anything of mine under 3gl get every other day water changes of 50% or more. Which for me is feasible. If I had several spawns going, the only way to go is a drip system in my opinion.

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