Jarring Fry


I'm a girl.
Dec 19, 2005
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Orlando, FL, USA
I am getting my last information together on breeding bettas, in hope of breeding them for the first time myself this summer. I have a question for ya'll here: What size containers do you jar your bettas? I have been looking for a cheap way to find lots of suitable containers and I came across an Aquabid auction for 32oz (.25gls) containers (basically cups with lids) and I was wondering how large does that container actually have to be? These "cups" are cheap, but I don't want to get something that is too small for the precious things...

Any help would be lovely! :good:
0.25 gals isn't all that bad for temp housing. :good:
You could always get some tupperware containers. There are some good size ones that are cheap. You could probably find some at like a Dollar store.
Or cut off the tops of 2lt coke bottles and use those.. that is if you drink soda heh. Or if family members/friends do you can ask them to save their bottles for you.
When jarring it all depends, if you use a small jar you will have to do alot of WC like 1 everyday. But i use a 40 Oz container and i can get away with everyother day or sometimes even every third day. Also make sure the jars opening is wide enough to get you hand/ net in and out of, this is a hard lesson i learned the first time i went to clean mine.
Thanks for your quick replies. This is the auction I was talking about and the price seems pretty good for the cups. I think that when the time comes, I will order form this person.

They look so easy to make, I wonder where I could get me some of those supplies! :shout:
They look like regular ole drinking cups with lids :blink:
You should shop around some more. Take a look around a Walmart, see if their plastic cups and things would be cheaper for you to get and would be just as good to use.
No need to spend alot of money if you don't have to heh
They look like regular ole drinking cups with lids :blink:
You should shop around some more. Take a look around a Walmart, see if their plastic cups and things would be cheaper for you to get and would be just as good to use.
No need to spend alot of money if you don't have to heh
I know! I want to know where they got those lids... :shifty:

I have been looking around, but I think I have been looking in the wrong place. I saw jars that were a dollar-something, but I didn't really want to spend over a hundred dollars on jars. Anyway, I'll have a look around at dollar stores, etc. I really need to get my butt in gear.
Maybe you could find lids at a hobby shop perhaps?
No idea why they'd have them but hey.. ya never know! hehe
Or you could do something sneaky...... just take extra lids used for soft drink cups from fast food places.. they might fit over plastic cups hehe
Maybe you could find lids at a hobby shop perhaps?
No idea why they'd have them but hey.. ya never know! hehe
Or you could do something sneaky...... just take extra lids used for soft drink cups from fast food places.. they might fit over plastic cups hehe
Now you've got the right idea! I'll have to look at craft stores... that's where I found the regular jars in the first place. I have a weird question... You know how those are regular drinking cups? Well, what if you bought a whole bunch at the grocery store and then bought a bunch of rubber bands and held down some saran wrap with a hole in it or a paper towel, etc on top to keep the betta in? That would work and save loads! :p
well here is a link.. its a site that sells containers.. a bit exspencive... but nice jars..

So your going to use cups to store the fry?
and i was also wondering about the size b/c i want to breed someday.. and i wanted to know if you use plastic cups how big would they have to be?
and i wanted to add.. at how many weeks do you have to start jarring them?
Yep.. that would work as well!
I just thought you were set on getting lids like in the link you showed hehe.
Anything, like a cloth, or a mesh would work just as great :)
well here is a link.. its a site that sells containers.. a bit exspencive... but nice jars..

So your going to use cups to store the fry?
and i was also wondering about the size b/c i want to breed someday.. and i wanted to know if you use plastic cups how big would they have to be?
and i wanted to add.. at how many weeks do you have to start jarring them?
You start jarring them when you see signs of aggression between the males. Yeah, I am going to use cups for the fry... it seems so much easier than getting jars, etc. As said here before, the .25gls cups would be good for temporary use.

Anything, like a cloth, or a mesh would work just as great
I wasn't dead set on anything... I was throwing out ideas, but I think I am sold on the cup and mesh/cloth idea! :good:
can a cup really be 1/4 of a gallon? unless you got big cups.... i do kno that you jar them when they start getting aggresive but i was wondering how old they are when they start doing this.
I am talking about the cups that are on aquabid... they are 32oz which equal 1/4gl. For a short period of time, these small containers are OK to use and you can find them at your local grocery store.

It really depends on how fast your fry are growing when you are supposed to jar them. I believe it is around 6 weeks, but it really varies.
i just looked at the picture of the cups and they looked small compared to nothing and i just read that they were like 5 inches tall and 4 inches wide, so that explains it.. lol

if i ever breed then i would try finding those, and use pop bottles also - 2L.... my family drinks a lot of pop... lol

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