Japanese Blue Fighter Fish


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2004
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Bristol, United Kingdom
Well the lady at the local lfs recommended that a great addition to my tank would be a japanese fighter fish and they have one in stock which is blue, it looks absolutely gorgeous but i'm a bit distressed by the name, do they live up to their name?? The lady said i could only have one in a tank else they will fight.

Will it bully/hurt my other fish? or will this be a good addition to the tank,

So far i have

5 Mollys (1 dalmation, 2 black, 2 white)
2 Platys (blue tint)
3 Guppies (2 orange, 1 blue)
1 Corydory
2 Swordtails (1 blue, 1 orange and white)

in a 27.5gal tank, i wanted to get another cory or bristlenose as advised on here, but the lady at the lfs told me to wait a little longer for the tank to mature a little, or they will get aggressive with each other
well what the lfs lady said is a load of crap. corrys never hurt anything. get a whole bunch more, and tell her shes wrong.

if japanese fighters are like bettas right? bettas are called simamise fighters but they only fight with eachother.

And i wouldnt advise you to keep anything betta like with a molly. Dalmation and silver are semi-agressive and will kill it. Black mollies are nice.
thats awful, they have all the fish that i have and more with the japanese fighter and 3 bottom feeders in a much smaller tank than ours, i didnt realise they were incompatible, shall i ring them and tell them??
id tell them. thats just from personal experiance, but all big finned fish i had were attacked by mine. do theses japanses ones look like bettas?
I dont know what bettas look like,

this one was really blue, fairly big with wafty type fins, (Hard to describe), like sheets in the wind, or our england flag (lol)
sounds like a betta. Are you sure youve never seen a betta? Theyre like the most commen fish, apart from goldfish, around.
have you got any pics of a betta, she definately said it was a japanese fighter fish, but she may have been wrong as she wrongly advised me to get 2 more male mollies (as i had a bossy female and male), she said the extra males would put her in her place, however i was advised on here to add another female which i did, and the aggression instantly went,
I've got 3 guppies but i dont know the sex, i think i have three males as the "lady in the shop" de ja vois, said the females were not as colourful and i think she kept them in a separate tank, the 2 orange tiger type finned ones swim around together endlessly but the blue only swims with them sometimes
i know bettas are labyrinth fish, and japs. minght eb to. i keep mine i a 3gallon goldfish bowl. But you can only keep one. You cant mix them, unless you put up a divider.
well if theyre like bettas, which i think they are, just diffrent names because of the country, you can keep one male in a tank. You cant mix males. But i wouldnt mix mollies with it, especially if they are very agressive. But scence your tank is bigg you can mix females. I know that w/betta you can have 4 in a 10gallon, so you minght be able to have 4 or so. But if your getting corys, they grow to be about 3 inches. So i wouldnt get a lot because of stocking levels.
5 Mollys (1 dalmation, 2 black, 2 white)
2 Platys (blue tint)
3 Guppies (2 orange, 1 blue)
1 Corydory
2 Swordtails (1 blue, 1 orange and white)

Your Fish will most likely Kill it. Especially the Mollies and Platy's.

The Guppies would be killed by the Betta, as it would see it as another Betta because of their long tails.

You could do as suggested and get a goldfish bowl for him and put some corys with him.

Yes you could have some Females and More cories,

But you still run the risk of the platys killing the females.

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