Jack's Marine Adventure!

Woo Hoo, Looking good Truck :good:

You've got some nice little nooks and cranies there, for your fish to explore.

Do you know about the red light??? watching your tank with a red light, you can see all the critters that would normally hide, as they can't see the red light they don't get spooked :cool:
Had the lights been on long??

Is different when you first turn lights on, as the day goes on it even out. I always do mine at the same time of day.
lights had been on for 10 hours

Woo Hoo, Looking good Truck :good:

You've got some nice little nooks and cranies there, for your fish to explore.

Do you know about the red light??? watching your tank with a red light, you can see all the critters that would normally hide, as they can't see the red light they don't get spooked :cool:
thanks trod, need to get a red light, dont know where though, may just put a red filter over a torch
morning truck :D

hows things going? any critters found yet?

also, what is FOWLR and the other one?

is it fish only with live rock?
dont people keep mantis shrimp in pico reefs?

I thought they were very colorful?

how ya gonna catch him :D

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