Jack D's with other fish..

juanveldez said:
heres my take on this. for 2 JDs,@ 1.5 inches a 20 is to small. I would do it in a 30 and let them grow out, not for too long though. I happen to disagree with most everybody. while a JD might be happier in a 55 you can easily keep them in a 45 provided that there is only one JD. my 8.5 inch JD is very very happy in a divided 55 sharing the tank with a 6 inch female Gold Suam. but depending on the fish, they can range from hyper agressive to fairly laid back. mine is not quite hyper agressive but is very agressive espcially when I am feeding him. he loves to eat from my hand and always hits so hard that it scares me. it isn't that it hurts cause it doesn't.

ya i want them to be aggresive thats the main reason i got them, also when i have people over at my house they will be entertained by there aggresivness its quite fun to watch, i have actaully already started looking at tanks and i find free ones in the paper and on the internet im surprized people just want to give em away..i should have a bigger tank within a couple months, im sure they will be ok for a while in this tank..
dont get me wrong, in a couple of months again depending on the fish you could very well end up with one dead JD and one still alive.

the other part to this is if you have 2 males or a male female pair, or 2 females. males tend to be bigger, and more agressive. I will see if I can't dig up some pics of mine sometime for you.

but I would get them at least a 30 gallon tank for the time being till you can get a more perminate home ie. a 75. just remember it will be a very quick thing that you have to get than 75 because they will out grow a 30 in no time.
juanveldez said:
dont get me wrong, in a couple of months again depending on the fish you could very well end up with one dead JD and one still alive.

the other part to this is if you have 2 males or a male female pair, or 2 females. males tend to be bigger, and more agressive.  I will see if I can't dig up some pics of mine sometime for you.

but I would get them at least a 30 gallon tank for the time being till you can get a more perminate home ie. a 75.  just remember it will be a very quick thing that you have to get than 75 because they will out grow a 30 in no time.

ya well im not gonna go buy a 30 gallon for a temp. solution i will just wait and then move them into the bigger tank there not gonna die from being in a smaller tank for a short time... pics would be nice
depending on how long that short time is it will happen. if you keep both one will die.
juanveldez said:
depending on how long that short time is it will happen. if you keep both one will die.

no more than a couple months
juan - your JD is a beauty :wub:

I agree with what everyone has said. I got my JD on April 2nd of this year at 1.5 inches, not even 2 months later she was 3 inches and can be very aggressive during feeding, she sometimes goes after my bristlenose pleco :S
I also agree with Juan about the tank size being 45 minimum, I have mine in a 38 and I know thats too small for her, but I plan on getting a 50-75 gallon for her once I get a job (I'm 20 so I'm looking for a job very soon :p )

JD's are beautiful fish and I can see why you like them (I'm OBSESSED with mine :lol: ) but anyway, good luck with yours and keep a close eye on them :thumbs:
ya i have been keeping a close eye on them...they dont seem to be that aggresive i stated earlier that i have a glass cat in there with them and they dont seem to bother him...yet..

i have found a really good pet store near my work the guy there is very smart and they can get anything fish wise..they had a zebra pleco!! 150 bucks tho..anywho i have priced out a 75 gallon tank and plan to get that as soon as i move out into my new house...
About your question about a fish store near Seattle...There is a pretty big one that has a lot of fish not only to sell but on display. They actually have a full grown dempsey in there with a full grown common pleco, and a full grown knife fish. Anyway this place is in Lake Stevens and has a huge selection. You would have to look their name up in the phone book as a I don't remember it, I only go there when I go over to the coast as I live in Wenatchee.

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