Jack D's with other fish..


New Member
Jan 3, 2005
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i have had a community tank for some time now and im tired of these nice fish, i have a well astablished 20 gallon tank, i used to have guppies but i took em back to the pet store when i bought the Jack i bought 2 so far they seem to be ok kinda hiding when i enter the room..But i wondering if my 2 Glass cats will survive with them..then dont seem to bother each other now but the Jack's already ate one of my neons..i saved the others..there are fairly small jacks about 1.5in in size..thanks for anyhelp
JD's are aggressive cichlids that will kill any community fish you try to put with them. The cats are now on death row. Get rid of the JD's anyway, a 20 gallon is not even close to a suitable sized tank for them - a 55 gallon is the very least.
FreddyK is right. Take them back to the lfs that you got them at. What a shame to not do research. They will kill whatever fish is in there. And I wouldn't have a JD in anything smaller than a 55, although mine is waiting for the 55, which has current residents, but he's in a 35, but it's only for a short while. So the best advice for you is to get a 55 or bigger tank. And a 55 is even small for two jack demps. You should get up into the 75's. Or take them back. And get a smaller less agressive cichlid. Like angelfish, or rams. They can be in communities. And do your research.
Unless you are planning on getting a 55 gallon tank in the very near future I would try to return the JDs or see if you can exchange them for something a little smaller. A pair of Kribensis or Rams would be great in a 20 gallon tank but medium sized cichlids like Jack Demseys are just too big.

I have a small one in one of my 55 gallons right now. He is only 2 inchs long and is well behaved for the moment. Although his god behavior might have something to do with the size difference between him and the silver dollars and Severums. Once he gets big enough he is going to go into the bigger tank with my oscar.
ya i knew they were an aggresive fish when i got them but, i have already moved all my community fish to my other thank and let the 2 jacks in the other...20 gallon is too small...theres plenty of room in there why do they require such a big tank? do they grow really fast cause there only like 1.5in right now i hate to take them back as there such a cool looking fish, and they acutally have a personallity compared to my others
It's not just about size, it's also about aggression.

Yes, they grow pretty quickly at first and will outgrow this tank in months. Are you planning on upgrading at some point soon, or ever? If not then it simply won't work. If you need to learn for yourself the hard way that's fine, it's just a waiting game - the posts already given should have convinced you. When we buy fish we need to consider how big they grow, not how big they are, and even more so when the fish are territorial killing machines.

2 JD's are not necessarily compatible. A pair of JD's and two JD's are not the same thing. There is a good chance these fish will turn on each other as they mature even if you do upgrade tanks.

As mentioned already there are other cichlids that would actually be suitable for your tank. The personality is something displayed by new world cichlids.

Cichlids have certain needs, and they can't just be thrown together the way we do with community fish. For the sake of the fish do research and ask questions before you buy the fish, that way you don't have to take them back or watch them destroy each other. Good luck in your decision, I hope it's the right one.
freddyk said:
It's not just about size, it's also about aggression.

Yes, they grow pretty quickly at first and will outgrow this tank in months.  Are you planning on upgrading at some point soon, or ever?  If not then it simply won't work.  If you need to learn for yourself the hard way that's fine, it's just a waiting game - the posts already given should have convinced you.  When we buy fish we need to consider how big they grow, not how big they are, and even more so when the fish are territorial killing machines.

2 JD's are not necessarily compatible. A pair of JD's and two JD's are not the same thing.  There is a good chance these fish will turn on each other as they mature even if you do upgrade tanks.

As mentioned already there are other cichlids that would actually be suitable for your tank.  The personality is something displayed by new world cichlids.

Cichlids have certain needs, and they can't just be thrown together the way we do with community fish.  For the sake of the fish do research and ask questions before you buy the fish, that way you don't have to take them back or watch them destroy each other.  Good luck in your decision, I hope it's the right one.

i see your point i am moving out soon (im only 21 and i just bought a house) so i do plan on gettin a bigger tank soon..prolly a few months, so your sayin that they can turn on each other as they mature, cause right now there always by each other swiming together and what not, they were both chasing the other fish around until i moved all the other fish in the tank.

i gave my cardinal neons to my brother and gave the guppies to the LFS all i have ever had was community fish etc, so i wanted to change to a more aggresive fish, my father used to have JD's for a long time he had them together with huge tin foil barbs and very large bala sharks they did fine for as long as i can remember..

The only other fish in the tank right now is a Glass Cat and they actually dont bother him at all right now i have my eye on em...my LFS warned me about the aggresivness and they were right but i told them my tank size and they said it would be ok for a year or so then i will have to either get a bigger thank or get rid of 1 of the JD's but u guys sounds far more knowledgable then my LFS which is sad in a way, but i assure u they will be happy i plan on getting inbetween a 55-75 gallon tank ( my dad had a 100 gallon) do u guys know of any good LFS around the seattle area that actually know something, petsmart, petco etc they all suck horrible fish also they always have something...

also i see other people sayin that when raised young they can be compatible with each other...these guys i got are really small i think there under 1.5in or so whats your thoughts
They get up to 8 or 9 " that's why they require such a big tank, yeah they're 1.5" now but just wait a few months and they'll be much bigger.
B20luda said:
ya i knew they were an aggresive fish when i got them but, i have already moved all my community fish to my other thank and let the 2 jacks in the other...20 gallon is too small...theres plenty of room in there why do they require such a big tank? do they grow really fast cause there only like 1.5in right now i hate to take them back as there such a cool looking fish, and they acutally have a personallity compared to my others

Absolutely NO fish at a pet store is full grown. For some reason people see these tiny fish and (not researching before buying) think they can keep them in small tanks. Jack Demseys are pretty large cichlids, they grow to around 10 inchs. That growth is very quick. I got one that was about an inch maybe an inch and a half long about a month ago and its doubled in size since then.

And just in case you ask, NO fish do not grow to the size of their tank. That is one of the biggest misconceptions about aquarium fish. Its the equivalent of thinking that babies won't grow up if they are kept in a closet. Or that a dog will stay a puppy if its left in its kennel. The fish's organs will grow to full size but the fish will be stunted and will die a horrible painful death if kept in too small a tank. It might live for years but will never prosper.
Young cichlids like these take comfort in groups when they are juveniles and so they get along and even appear to be friends.

But when they mature this changes. They no longer seek the company of each other for security, and instead become territorial and their behavior turns around competely - they don't want other cichlids around because they don't need protection anymore and they don't like any threats or competition close to their home.

Now, If your JD's end up both females it may end up working out for you, but maybe not. If they are both males they will no doubt duel when they mature. If they are male and female then it's a question of whether their breeding cycles are compatible. If not, they will fight.

55-75 gallon tank
Trust me, get the 75 gallon and you won't be disappointed.

u guys sounds far more knowledgable then my LFS which is sad in a way
Always remember that we are aquarists. We spend money to give our fish good homes.
They are retailers and their first priority is making money. You have a tank, you want JD's, so sure, ya, JD's are great for a 20 gallon! Thanks for your money, we'll see you in a few months when you need to buy new fish to replace these ones.
Always remember that we are aquarists. We spend money to give our fish good homes.
They are retailers and their first priority is making money. You have a tank, you want JD's, so sure, ya, JD's are great for a 20 gallon! Thanks for your money, we'll see you in a few months when you need to buy new fish to replace these ones.

Thats one of the reasons I work at my LFS, to try to stop employees like that. I actually took over the fish room for myself and started making other employees either try to do it right or not sell fish in my room.

You have to give pet store employees a break though. Its really frustrating when you have customers that refuse to research before buying. Most employees stop caring after about the ten thousandth customer who just walks in and either wants a fish, a parrot or a hamster but doesn't decide until they walk in the door.
well thanks guys i apprecaite the info i assure u my JD's will have a sufficent home in the near future, once i move out i will be on the hunt for a tank, i really wanna rasie these JD's to there full size i really hope they wont battle with each other but i will do whats right if they do, i guess u could say im a begginer but i have had my 10 and 20 gallon tank for about 7 years so i know how to take care of a tank but i have another hobby that takes more of my time..so in the winter time my tank seems to get more of the attension..and less in the summer.

Also i tryed searching but whats it mean when they change color from being a draker brown to a very light brown..i assume there either stressed some or something like that, when i turn the light off they get dark when i turn the light on they get much lighter... they also seem very skidish when i come into the room, i see them swiming around if i look in without them seeing me??..i assume this is becuase i havent had them more than a couple days..
Also i tryed searching but whats it mean when they change color from being a draker brown to a very light brown..i assume there either stressed some or something like that, when i turn the light off they get dark when i turn the light on they get much lighter... they also seem very skidish when i come into the room, i see them swiming around if i look in without them seeing me??..i assume this is becuase i havent had them more than a couple days..

The color change is probably from stress. You should check your water conditions to see if there is any ammonia or nitrites.

As for them being skittish. They are basically babies still so its not a surprise to see them try to hide all the time. They are relying on instincts and their instincts tell them that if something big comes near its going to try to eat them. So its absolutely normal for them to go and hide. They will learn over time that you aren't going to eat them and instead will give them food so they will come out more often and not hide.
guppymonkey said:
Also i tryed searching but whats it mean when they change color from being a draker brown to a very light brown..i assume there either stressed some or something like that, when i turn the light off they get dark when i turn the light on they get much lighter... they also seem very skidish when i come into the room, i see them swiming around if i look in without them seeing me??..i assume this is becuase i havent had them more than a couple days..

The color change is probably from stress. You should check your water conditions to see if there is any ammonia or nitrites.

As for them being skittish. They are basically babies still so its not a surprise to see them try to hide all the time. They are relying on instincts and their instincts tell them that if something big comes near its going to try to eat them. So its absolutely normal for them to go and hide. They will learn over time that you aren't going to eat them and instead will give them food so they will come out more often and not hide.

i cked my ammonia level it came back 0ppm and i dont ahve a test for nitrites perhaps i will go get one right now seems how i wanna get a better hiding spot for them anyway...

ya i went to the store got the test kit and i tested the nitrite level it came back 0ppm also so water quailty is good to go, i figured it was ok seems how i have had my guppies and neons for quite some time now, i also priced out a bigger tank..biggest tank my LFS had was 55 gallon tho
heres my take on this. for 2 JDs,@ 1.5 inches a 20 is to small. I would do it in a 30 and let them grow out, not for too long though. I happen to disagree with most everybody. while a JD might be happier in a 55 you can easily keep them in a 45 provided that there is only one JD. my 8.5 inch JD is very very happy in a divided 55 sharing the tank with a 6 inch female Gold Suam. but depending on the fish, they can range from hyper agressive to fairly laid back. mine is not quite hyper agressive but is very agressive espcially when I am feeding him. he loves to eat from my hand and always hits so hard that it scares me. it isn't that it hurts cause it doesn't.

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