Jack Dempseys and Firemouths


Fish Fanatic
Dec 8, 2002
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Hi guys hope all had a good crimbo.

I have just been brought a new tank for crimbo :D
and i would like to put a pair of firemouths and a pair of Jack Dempseys in there.
Would they be compatible?
Would i also be able to put 2 feather fin cats in with them?
you never can tell what a jack will think& do...........be sure your fish are as big or bigger than your jack & give many hideing spots....they will need them to survive

A friend of mine had red tailed sharks with her jacks.......I could never get it to happen.I did have a catfish& a black shark,but the black shark was bigger than jack& hid constatly.the crab made it till he got ran out of his hole by another fish hideing from jack....jack ate my crab.crab snapped claw...jack said...GULP...you was yummy! I had a few feeder fish to survive& live on
pray your fish are smart 8)

Cheers njoynit a very amusing tale ill bear it in mind.
Lots of hidy holes and bigger fish.
If I read your tank dimensions correctly, it is 12" high...right??

If this is correct, I would not advise placing Dempsey's in this tank!!

A 12" high tank is not tall enough for Dempsey's IMO.

I would also not advise firemouths with Dempsey's as the size difference is to great. Firemouths, while somewhat aggressive IMO coulsd not hold their own if the pair of Dempsey decided to spawn.

This is of course JMO!!

No, sorry CM i wrote the dimensions down wrongly, 12'' wide 15'' high.

Even if the four fish were introduced together at an early age say 3-4in do you still think it would be too much of a risk. (and the feather fins?)

If so what else could go with the Dempseys.

My PH is about 7.2
In a 55, I would say a convict or two could hang with teh dempseys. They stay smaller and have enough fight in them to hack it out.
Cheers Dawg, i was looking at convicts too.
If you go with convicts and do not want them to breed, you should just get some females which are the darker ones with orange on thier bellys

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