jack dempsey by far the nice looking fish in my eyes.just wondering which one everyone likes best or just general information on them
Also If you keep the tank on the cooler side like 75 F = 23C your Jack will be calmer. If you turn the temp up that can bring out the pushy side of them. I read that some place and I tried it on mine and it was like night and day. At 75F he was good never started anything. At 80F he tried to pick fights with my Acara nothing major but I had never seen him do this in the low temps. The higher temps must trigger the spawning behaviour and hence the want to fight.
If you have the space for a sailfin pleco. They get huge. Check Link out.k this. That was fought in Fl here in the USA. I think that one is a common pleco. But the gibbi pleco As some times called gets almost as big. 16" or more.