Jack Dempsey Compatibility


New Member
Jul 5, 2006
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Tucson, AZ, USA
I have two Jack Dempseys in my 55 gallon with a large Plecosmus and am seeing what anyone would recommend I put in my tank to spice it up some. They are about 6 inches. Thanks
Personally I wouldn't recommend alot. I'm presuming you havn't got a pair because by 6" I would have expected them to have paired up (if you've had them from young).
55 gallons isn't that good of a tank due to the 13" depth, the aggression JD's have will limit tankmates. If you were to add anything I would say dithers, like danio's/tetras, though they might not last long if the JD's decide to scoff them or kill them.

If you have a common plec then they arn't really suitable for home aquaria, if possible I would try and rehome it.
I just upgraded my JD from a 55 to a 125. I have giant danios, SD's and 2 juve green sevs with him right now. Not sure how the aggression is gonna turn out when the sevs mature but I wouldn't recommend any other new worlds with the jds while in the 55. will just be alot of aggression and trouble...
Why is the common plec. not made for tanks? Seems like perhaps I should get rid of the bigger, meaner Jack Dempsey. IF I do that maybe I can get a pair of small angels and a pair of pink kissing gourami's.
The common plec isn't really suitable for the average home aquarium due to its size. They can get very big. (Granted there are many plecs that will be sold under the name 'common plec' or just 'pleco/pleco')
Unfortunately, despite being ubiquitous and accepted as such, these common plecos are far from suitable for small aquaria, and can grow at an alarming rate, reaching on average around 14"-16" (35-40cm) total length, and sometimes up to 24" (60cm) in a short number of years. Many folk are not made aware of this when the fish is purchased (do retailers even know or care?), and believe the fish will "grow to the size of the tank". This myth has been proven false time and time again, with enormous common plecos constantly needing re-homing. Although not in the same league as the red-tail catfish (Phractocephalus hemioliopterus), the tiger shovelnose (Pseudoplatystoma spp.) or the paroon shark catfish (Pangasius spp.), the common pleco can definitely be considered a tank-buster.

From Planet Catfish


The pair of kissing gourami's may work, but the angels will probably be too delicate for the JD.
JD's can be a "pita" when it comes to compatability... they weren't named after a legendary boxers without reason. I have always thought my JD to be very docile but time and time again, he has shown me that he is a still a cihlid by picking a fight every so often out of the blue... normally, it is directed towards the common plec I have since they both try to hide under one piece of bogwood. he will just nip at her fins a little till it finally swims back to "it's" log.

also, when he was still younger, I tried introducing another JD as a tankmate, and that ended up with the new fish being battered and it's lips and nose area being a dark purple (not the color they naturally will turn)... so I have just learned that he can be a little bastard but also a cool like guy :good:

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