Iwagumi-Ish Scape


May 30, 2008
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Hi guys,

This is my second attempt at a high-tech planted tank. My first attempt failed mainly from lack of research and understanding, plus going on holiday and not adjusting lighting/co2 injection didn't help.

Tank Size: 35L Arcadia
Lighting: At the moment 2 x 11W Arcadia pods, but will be upgrading to 2 x 28W UP lumminaire. I know this is very high lighting, I am not planning on using it until I have mastered the growth with the 22W lighting.
Substrate: Flourite black sand
Plants: HC and hairgrass
Hardscape: Seiryu stone
Co2: Pressurised Co2, and will be experimenting with a variety of diffusion methods
Filtration: 700L/H (20x turnover)
Fertiliser: My own mixture, will be dosing non-limiting quantities so any problems with algae will be down to poor co2 flow/high lighting.

I am growing the HC and hairgrass emersed and even after a week I can see signs of growth. The hairgrass arrived in bad condition but I have planted it anyway and can already start to see new, healthy shoots coming through. I will be waiting for complete carpet coverage before filling with water. Have not decided on what livestock yet, I will probably leave it without livestock for a while so I don't need to worry about over-injecting Co2.

I am not entirely happy with the rock arrangement, but I am more focused on growing the plants, rather than the hardscape. :good:

16th July:


23rd July:
I had to use a book to prop up the front of the tank because to get the gravel at the back wet, meant the front plants were covered in water.


Dude I'd stick with the arc pods, you'll have like 6wpg with the 2 x 28w, you need like 1.2wpg to grow HC and less for hairgrass.
The WPG rule is renowned for being a pretty useless method, only useful for rough approximation.
And it's also well known that the WPG doesn't apply to small tanks anyway.

I think the 56W will be fine as long as I learn to grow under the 22W first. As long as my co2 injection and flow is very, very good.

This is more of an experiment for myself anyway, to see if I can actually maintain a tank with really high lighting.
I like it. I'm not sure why you've planted HC in that far right corner, i'd have stuck with the grass there, as HC will be rather pointless back there. I see what you mean about the rocks, i think all you need to do is twist it at a more interesting angle and push it down into the substrate a little more. Currently it looks more plonked ontop at a rather uninspiring angle.

Definately agree with Steve above about the lights! Haha, don't do it. Stick with what you've got, you have a good base to go from without increasing at all!
I know the WPG rule doesn't really apply, but, it's more accurate than saying I have low or high light. There fore you'll have very very very very very very high light with that and I wouldn't bother, does your filter have an adjustment too? Just wondering as that ammount of flow may end up with some floating plants. I'm not critisizing but I think you may have a he'll of a job on your hands.
I've used the filter in the tank before and it causes the plants to sway gently, so I'm pretty sure it won't be too much flow., and the spray bar stretches the length of the tank which should help eliminate any dead spots.

In regards to the plants floating, that shouldn't be a problem because I'm growing emersed so by the time any water is in there, the roots will already be really well rooted.

If the lighting does turn out to be too much, I can always go back to the 22W. But like I said, I'm going to be using the 22W for a while first, and only upgrade super-high lighting, after I am comfortable with medium-high lighting. If all the information I have been reading here is correct, as long as I can supply an actual 30ppm co2, good flow, and dose non-limiting levels of fertiliser, it should be fine, just with seriously fast growth.

We'll see... :crazy:
Fair do's I hope it works out, didn't realise you were using a spray bar. I'm growing HC under the equivilent of 1.5WPG in an ARC 60 and from the tank in the shop their HC is spreading so quick I think I'll be selling a batch every week.
I would suggest you watch the CO2. 1 arcpod would've been enough for HC if the CO2 is working properly.

This is a nice start. Cool to see another dry start. Grow the HC first with just the arc pods. I don't think you'll be disappointed, especially if the CO2 is working well. Save yourself the money. I really don't think the luminaires will even be needed.

@ ps3steveo... It's not too much flow. Especially since you gotta get the flow all the way down to the HC.
The only reason I considered the lumminaire was because the arc pods look rubbish. I could have got a single bulb version (1x28W), but the (2x28W) was only a bit more expensive. When it gets here I'll see if its possible to just run one bulb, it probably can't though.

I do expect the arc pods to be perfectly adequate for the scape. I may use the lumminaire on my other identical tank, for an extremely high light experiment. I'll decide in a few months :good: The only reason I am even using 2 arc pods at the moment, is because I'm growing emmersed so I can't really add too much light yet.

Thanks for the comments so far.
Also, do you think it would help to spray a really watered down TPN+ mix when I spray the tank?
Or will the flourite sand offer plenty of nutrients for now?
Arcadia have brought out the eclipse light for their tanks and they look great, got one on my 60.
The eclipse light is even uglier in my opinion.

This is what I've gone for, the 2 x 27W PL Tube (Not 28w, my bad :unsure: )
Looks like each light has its own switch, so I can just run 1 x 27W. :look:

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