I've streamlined...


I wanted to rule the world but got distracted by s
Jun 12, 2004
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United Kingdom
I'm a little overstocked at the moment due to some un-expected fry so I decided to do a bit of streamlining until the extra fish go to my my brothers. The result:

A near empty tank!

PS - dont worry about the white on the gravel - it's the effect my airstone has on the lower levels of gravel that were upturned during a water change!

It's only 2' Cat.

I love the big plant on the left. The fish like hiding behind there when I do water changes or when they see me with the camera -_-
Steamlining is basically minimalising. Clearing out the clutter.
It looks great, Sunflower. :cool:

Streamlining is also a way for your company to politely tell you your fired. :/
cometcattle said:
Streamlining is also a way for your company to politely tell you your fired.
Yeah, that and 'downsizing'

I was 'downsized' from my last job, the the boss was an arse, so I was glad to leave.

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