I've started an epidemic


Fish Herder
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
Hollywood, Florida, USA
after setting up the eclipse 3 a couple days ago. over 20 people in my office have gone out and got them. they all wants bettas. and since they are all upper management and executives I get to do the tank setup for everyone. lucky me. I am making them all look at this forum though and buy a book on keeping bettas as I will not maintain 20+ tanks in the workplace. maybe my bosses, the CIO, and the CEO's no problem. but all of the other managers, directors and vp's can fend for themselves as long as I see they keep them healthy. if not I will start taking fish away from people. hehe
Well done, just think of all those poor betas that you''ve saved from their miserable existence in those horrid little cups. Now just make sure that they all know what to do and your place in heaven is assured :D
Tanked my friend, you arent looking at the big picture here. These execs all ran out and got these tanks and now they are wanting you to take care of them.....Start a tank cleaning service......LOL Im sure all of these people can afford an extra 10 or 15 bucks and they dont really want to deal with the care and upkeep anyway.....They just dont want to be out done by someone lower than them....lol
As far as the man/woman who signs you check.................Do that one for free!!!!!!!!!!!great Brown nose points....LMAO

I am always glad to hear when someone helps save those poor bettas from thier living arrangements wtg tanked :rolleyes: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :hyper: :hooray: :hooray: :hooray:
I thought about doing a tank maintenence service but it would have to be during business hours and I just don't have the time to maintain 20 + tanks and handle my workload. I will take care of mine. my immediate bosses, the CIO, and CEO's. as faras climbing the corporate ladder here it is not worth it. they may move you to a higher position but will not adjust pay accordingly. I will spend a few years here for experience and then move on...
Tanked you best make sure that none of these bosses upstages you and gets a better looking fighter than yours (though i dont think its possible ;))
tanked do your bosses know what you call your self on this forum? I dont think I would be talking much about your working plans if I were you, JUST KIDDING
well, all of the tanks are setup, no fish in them. i told everyone they could not put fish in until monday so they will all go out monday on the way to work and get their bettas.
...Tanks Tank Maintenence Rates:...

Water change = Free Lunch

Gravel cleaning = Day off with pay

....anyone who loses a Betta due to poor care buys the office lunch :lol: :lol:

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