Ive Made My Desicion

go for a juvinile blue faced angel they adapt better and dont get any problems or a changing to adult every thing will be fine but add the queen angel last and the gray angel
Ok I will get a juvi blue faced.
Scott, when you said about the queen and gray, do you mean I should add them both at the same time, and last?

well are you going for an adult queen and what size about i would add the gray angel in the first 2 weeks and then in the second 2 weeks i would go for they queen but add you angels as your last fish as they become very terirtorial to new adisons

like add your tangs,clowns,triggers,dwarf angels,damsels,butterflys,basslets,wrasses first

then add the aggresive ones last

regards scott
Im going for a majestic angel, queen angel, blue face angel and a queen.
I will add them all as juvinles but first i will add the majestic, then the blue face, then the gray then ned with the queen.
I will get the queen, blue face and gray at the stage that they are just turning into the adult colouration so they are more likley to begin feeding as I have read that very young fish and older large fish are more difficult to induce a feeding responce.

its a hit or a miss i and but i would add the majestic first bit if you get a an adult blue faced it will probablly kill the queen so keep an eye on it or add them into the tank at the same time
good luck mate! 200G is huge o.0!

just been looking at some of the fishes and they look stunning!
Cheers bagu, im really looking forward to getting it up and running.
Scott, what if I add the angels in this order.
-blue face and queen at the same time and roughly the same size?

Cheers scott.
On a more personal note scott, if you was getting a 200gallon tank and already had 5 yellow tangs, rabbit fish, pinktailed trigger and coral beauty and was going to add those 4 large angels. What else would you add?


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